Which Stethoscope Should Nursing Students Buy??

  • 7 лет назад
Hi guys!\r
Just wanted to give you the information to help out Hunter Bork. he has a Youtube Channel too if you want to follow his story!\r
Please consider purchasing all of your supplies from this site. you can find almost every thing there and all profets go directly to helping him out!\r
Here is the link: \r
You guys are so awesome!\r
Love you!!\r
Thank you so much for watching my youtube channel: EmpoweRN!\r
I want this youtube channel to be a place where nurses (and soon to be nurses) to find inspirational and informative information. Lately I have been doing a lot of video request which has been so much fun!\r
If you happen to have one you can leave a comment below or email me at Empower.rn@gmail.com.\r
This video is for Mark who said:\r
Im buying my first stethoscope and I am a bit confused as to what to choose.\r
So in this video I will take you though my stethoscope journey and tell you what I have learned.\r
Over the years I have had many stethoscopes, from prestige, to littmann to what I use now :)\r
I have found it to not be prical to keep around my neck, however I do keep it in my folder that I carry with me everywhere!\r
I hope you found this video helpful!\r
If you like it please give it a thumbs up! Leave a comment! Share it with your friends and Subscribe for more great videos!\r
Also, email me anytime with your video request :)\r
Much Love,\r
Caroline Porter Thomas\r
and soon to come: EmpoweRN.com!!\r
These videos are intended for entertainment purposes only. Please follow the policy and procedures that your institution requires. \r
Please note that the views, ideas & opinions expressed on this channel and in the videos on this channel are not necessarily of those of my employer or institution. The views expressed on this channel and in the videos channel do not represent medical advice. If you have specific medical concerns, please cont your physician. In order to protect patient privacy, all patient identifiers in all videos have been deleted or altered.\r
The views expressed on this channel and in the videos on this channel are personal opinions. I am not an expert nor do I dispense medical advice or procedural specifications. The information I present is for general knowledge and entertainment purposes only. You need to refer to your own medical director, teachers and protocols for specific treatment information. It is your responsibility to know how best to treat your patient in your jurisdiction.\r


