• 8 年前
Jackie Chan Tribute | From 1 to 62 Years Old. Then And Nowtransformation and top 10 best Jackie Chanmoments: real fight highlights, young pics, training injuries, funnymoments & bloopers, song , interview stunts, fight scenes vs jet li, bruce lee, chris tucker, brad allen, donnie yen, bolo yeung, jean claude van damme, sylvester stallone and benny urquidez by TheMaster (mmamaster)\r
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Jackie Chan (Джеки Чан, born Chan Kong-sang, 陳港生; 7 April 1954) is a Hong Kong martial artist, or, film director, producer, stuntman, and singer. In his s, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style, comic timing, use of improvised weapons, and innovative stunts, which he typically performs himself. Chan has been training in Kung fu and Wing Chun. He has been ing since the 1960s and has appeared in over 150 films. He is best friends with Sylvester Stallone and he is good friends with Steven Seagal and James Lew. He worked with Bruce Lee as a stunt coordinator.\r
He is also a talented singer. He has released numerous albums in Asia. His music is normally heard in the outtakes of his HK s. Jackie Chan personally holds two Guinness World Records that were awarded to him December 5, new. His Opera Academy brothers include Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, Biao Yuen, Corey Yuen, Wah Yuen, and Yuen Man Meng.\r
Has played 7 charers more than once in the s: Wong fei-Hung from Drunken Master films, Asian Hawk from Armour of God films, Monkey voice from Kung Fu Panda films, Lee from Rush Hour films, Chan Ka Kui from Police Story films, Dragon Ma Yue Lung from A gai wak films and Muscles from Lucky Stars films.\r
Eight directors cast him at least twice in their films: Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, Stanley Tong, Gordon Chan, Benny Chan, Brett Ratner, Ding Sheng, Yen-Ping Chu and Wei Lo.\r
Jackie Chan Movies Filmography:\r
Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)\r
Dragon Blade (new)\r
As the Light Goes Out (new)\r
Kung Fu Panda 2(new)\r
The Karate Kid(new) \r
The Spy Next Door(new)\r
Jian guo da ye (new)\r
San suk si gin (new) \r
Little Big Soldier (new) \r
The Forbidden Kingdom(2008)\r
Kung Fu Panda (2008) (voice) \r
Rush Hour 3(2007)\r
Baby (2006)\r
The Myth (2005)\r
New Police Story (2004)\r
The Huadu Chronicles: Blade of the Rose (2004)\r
Around the World in 80 Days(2004)\r
The Medallion(2003)\r
Shanghai Knights(2003)\r
The Tuxedo(2002)\r
The Accidental Spy(2002)\r
Shanghai Noon(2000)\r
Gen-X Cops (1999)\r
Jackie Chan: My Stunts (1999) (V)\r
Gorgeous (1999) \r
Hong Kong Face-Off (1998) (V)\r
Rush Hour(1998)\r
Who Am I?(1998) \r
Mr. Nice Guy (1998)\r
Jackie Chans First Strike (1996)\r
Rumble In The Bronx(1996)\r
Crime Story (1993)\r
Dragons Forever (1988)\r
The Armor of God (1986)\r
Half a Loaf of Kung Fu (1985)\r
Heart of a Dragon(1985)\r
Jackie Chans Police Force (1985)\r
New Fist of Fury (1985)\r
Protector (1985)\r
Eagles Shadow (1984)\r
Project A (1983)\r
Dragon Lord (1982)\r
The Big Brawl(1980)\r
Young Master (1980)\r
Young Tiger (1980)\r
Hand of Death (1975)\r
Jackie Chan (Джеки Чан) Trade Marks:\r
Cleverly utilizes everyday items as props in fight scenes (chairs, ladders, lamps, tables, et cetera), Likes to give thumbs up.,\r
Often has outtakes at the end of his films of failed stunts and other accidents, In addition to spectacular stunts and ion, his s often contain scenes in which he is tortured or forced to undergo grueling physical ivity (usually as punishment by a master or teacher), Always plays the Good Guy except in Ru jing cha (1974) aka Rumble in Hong Kong, Uses martial arts and hand-to-hand combat in all his fight scenes, Most of his films feature slapstick humor, Chinese accent. Also Jackie Chan is known for his fights vs: jet li, benny the jet, bruce lee, brad allen, donnie yen, ken lo, kids, benny urquidez, indian swordsman, andy on, benny, chuck norris, chris tucker, don cheadle, eye of sauron, four furious girls, girl, hwang jang lee, ip man, jean claude van damme, kickboxer, nathan jones, police, russian, shendu, scott adkins, taekwondo, tony jaa, iko uwais vs jackie chan, vampire, wu jing, yuen biao.\r
Hugh Jackman | From 2 To 48 Years Old: \r
Al Pacino Tribute: \r
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The Master (themaster or mmamaster) : Best of Jackie Chan (джеки чан) tribute.


