'Not in the landing zone' EU looks set to reject May's £18billion Brexit offer

  • 7 years ago
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'Not in the landing zone' EU looks set to reject May's £18billion Brexit offer
EUROPEAN leaders are set to reject Theresa May's £18billion Brexit offer as it is only a third of what European Union (EU) chiefs want. And insiders have indicated the proposed £18bn offer will be rejected.One EU diplomat involved in Brexit told the Financial Times: "We will at least have something to talk about."But it is not where the landing zone is."Another senior EU diplomat, said: "Transition payments do not cancel the bill." Mujtaba Rahman, head of Europe for the Eurasia Group risk consultancy, said: "The message from the EU is clear: covering budget holes is only a start; for a deal in October, May also has to acknowledge that the UK will pay to settle past debts."The group also warned EU leaders see Mrs May offer as a given, and they are still expecting a divorce bill driven by Mr Barnier's figure of £88bn.Mrs Merkel has been one of the most outspoken European leaders when it comes to enforcing a Brexit bill, warning last month the UK has "obligations" which it must pay for.

The German premier said it was not a fine, and added: "This is about obligations that Great Britain has entered into and that naturally must remain on the books."Michel Barnier, Brussels' top Brexit negotiator, threatened without paying a bill talks could go no further and the UK could end up leaving the bloc without a free trade agreement. In June the European Commission released a lengthy list of bodies and funds it believes the UK needs to contribute to as part of a Brexit bill.These included payments into the European Investment Bank, the European Central Bank, the European Development Fund, the EU-Turkey refugee deal and for British teachers seconded to European schools until 2021.Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament's chief Brexit negotiator, released a strongly worded letter in July signed by all MEPs on the Brexit steering group which said they could "not be clear enough" that the UK refusing to compromise over a financial settlement would be a deal breaker".. 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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