Kenya clashes in election dispute

  • 7 years ago
Dozens of supporters of Kenya’s ruling party have demonstrated outside the Supreme Court demanding the removal of judges who nullified President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election in August.

Last month the court said a new poll must be held after ruling that the August 7 vote was mired in irregularities.

The court’s chairman David Maraga, said the demonstrations were“clearly intended to intimidate the judiciary.”

“While recognizing the rights of citizens and seeing them as a pillar of the Constitution, these demonstrations are close to the brink of violence. There is a clear intention to intimidate the judiciary and individual judges. “
Another election has been scheduled to be held on October 17 and western leaders have called for calm. However opposition leader Raila Odinga
has said he will not take part unless certain conditions are met and some of the electoral commission staff are fired.
