Brexit progress: EU security boss hails Britain's 'welcome' position paper on cooperation

  • 7 years ago
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Brexit progress: EU security boss hails Britain's 'welcome' position paper on cooperation
BRUSSELS’ security boss today greeted Britain’s proposals on future intelligence cooperation as “welcome” and said he wanted to see close ties with the UK going forward.

Commissioner King made the remarks as the EU unveiled plans to significantly bolster the EU cybersecurity agency ENISA, which the UK wants to remain part of beyond March 2019. They came after the EU parliament’s Brexit negotiator, former Belgian PM Guy Verhofstadt, also gave a favourable response to British proposals for close defence ties after we leave.  Whitehall has published a blitz of papers in recent weeks laying out what relations it wants with the EU. However, eurocrats insist they cannot discuss the future partnership until the divorce is settled. Speaking in Brussels today, Commissioner King said the bloc was “especially” keen to build up security cooperation with countries who “share the same values and face the same threats”. He said: “The paper is welcome it sets out some very important issues it shows that there’s some very important things for us to get on and discuss when we get to that stage of the process. “We’re not at that stage of the process yet on the proposals that are set out on a possible future relationship. This is an area the area of security including cybersecurity where we face common threats.” 

He added: “Where the people who are seeking to do us harm really don’t distinguish whether you’re in Schengen or outside Schengen, in the EU or outside the EU. They are seeking to attack the way we live our lives, they are sometimes seeking to attack our institutions.“And we’re better countering those threats working together, so when we get to that stage of discussion between the UK and EU27 I hope it is going to be possible to find an understanding that allows in the future close cooperation to continue against these threats.“In this area as in other areas while we’re building up strong structures to reinforce our security we do keep an open mind about cooperation with other countries, especially other countries who share the same values and face the same threats.” The fact that Commissioner King did not explicitly rule out the idea of a security treaty, which would put Britain on a unique footing with the EU, will be seen as a sign of encouragement by Downing Street.  The security chief did not rise to suggestions that it would amount to “cherry picking” by Britain, whilst EU officials also declined to shoot down the idea when asked about it.Yesterday ministers published the proposal, which suggests a unique new relationship, based on principles contained in the European Economic Area (EEA) treaty and Schengen acquis that are used to foster especially close ties with third countries. However, the plans angered some eurosceptics because it entails keeping Britain in the controversial European Arrest Warrant, a key bugbear for those who wanted the UK to ‘take back control’ after Brexit. Critics of the EAW argue that it allows citizens to be extradited to other EU countries on the flimsiest of evidence and is open to abuse, citing cases where people have been wrongly incarcerated. . 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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