How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You

  • 7 年前
Boost your confidence: \r
How I accidentally discovered the simple answer to the question: How can I stop caring what people think of me? and how you can use it to stop worrying about what other people think from now on!\r
So.How to stop caring what people think of you.\r
.is this ually the right question? Do you REALLY want to totally stop caring what other people think of you? And what would happen if you got your wish? \r
I believe youd become depressed and lose the will to live. Truth is as humans we are obviously connected to other people and many studies have shown that without cont and emotional involvement with other people we deteriorate..\r
Turns out the problem is not to pretend that other peoples thoughts dont matter.but WHAT YOU THINK OTHER PEOPLE ARE THINKING ABOUT YOU. And if you worry about what people think about you its because you secretly think theyre thinking NEGATIVE THOUGHTS about you!\r
After all, if you thought that people think youre fantastic and admire everything about wouldnt worry about it.youd LOVE IT!\r
Truth is: What you think other people think of you. is completely reliant on what YOU THINK OF YOURSELF. \r
See I learned that when I developed a POSITIVE SELF IMAGE.learned what MY VALUES ARE.and lived by them more and more, focussed on how I wanted to be and become more and more self confident and authentic in the process.\r
I started to think more positive things about myself more regularly. Turns out when I did that, I stopped assuming that other people had negative thoughts about me..and I started to assume that other people also had more positive thoughts about me most of the time.\r
And when I realised that someone was a surprise that was quite bemusing, but nothing else. No doesnt really upset me at all.\r
So the key to not worrying what people think of you is to learn to think positively about yourself, by developing your self confidence, inner game and self living in accordance to your values and develop authentic self start having the positive thoughts about yourself that make you assume other people will think positively about you just as well!\r
Then you never stop yourself anymore from going for something you really want to do like you used to.\r
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