• 8 years ago
just for fun, a quick playthrough on Waverunner GP on Demul 0.581 emulating the Sega Naomi arcade board. Ive had a hankering for some Hydro Thunder-esque aquatic racing fun for quite some time now and while this is certainly no Hydro Thunder, it is a fun little game that looks pretty decent and runs at a good speed. Im not sure what the trick to not sucking at it is though, as there appears to be just one control for throttle and thats it. I think its a combination of making sure youre following as tight a racing line as possible on the easy corners, not getting caught up too much in the wake of your rivals and then banking really hard around the corners.\r
Windows 7\r
Intel core i5-2310, 8 Gb \r
Nvidia GeForce GT530 -1GB


