Bernie Sanders: The Current Model of the Democratic Party is Obviously not Working

  • 7 years ago
During the Cold War the Democrat Party became a front group for the Soviet Union and they are stuck like that. Their mission is to relentlessly promote a 19th century socialist economic philosphy that never works.

If you look at the presidential debate with Ted Cruz it's obviose that the failure of Obamacare and the misery it inflicted on the American people is irelevent to Sanders. He is just going to do and say whatever it takes to try and fool enough voters to win a election so he can implement more disastrous policies based on a radicalized, extremist Soviet ideology that punishes the very electorate the Democrats are trying to sway.

So now they can't even buy enough votes from gullible Americans and they have to turn to illegal immigration to expand their base. Which just pisses off the American people even more and got Donald Trump elected President.

Not everybody wants to turn the country into Mexico. So they get mad and respond to this by calling the American electorate racist for not wanting to eagerly import the Lebanese Civil War like a outbreak of the Ebola virus.

Repeatedly during the presidential debate with Cruz people were trying to tell Sanders they were paying $1000 a month for insurance that has a $13,000 deductible and he really didn't give a rats ass about it. He will do and say anything to get a single payer healthcare system but when that also proves to be a disaster he still won't care, he will just move on to socializing something else regardless of the consequences.

Only free market reforms can bring down the price of healthcare, which Ted Cruz tried to explain to him during the debate, but again Sanders didn't want to hear it. Sanders and his ilk do not regret the failing policies of the Democrat party, only that they lost to Republicans.
