• 8 years ago
B.J. Fogg's Behavior Model: Surfing the Motivation Wave
Gamification Co - Concourse Exhibition Center
The classic puzzle of transforming temporary motivation into lasting change has been solved. For many years, the creators of products and programs have tried to crack this code, with the vast majority ending in failure. For example, giving someone a cash reward to exercise for six-weeks rarely transforms into the habit of exercise OR entering a weight-loss contest rarely leads to keeping the pounds off. However, in some cases the short-term motivation (the money, a contest) will indeed turn into long-term change (a habit or weight maintenance). So what's the difference between the failures and the successes? That queston has been answered. Join Dr. BJ Fogg as he teaches us the secret to this puzzle in his GSummit keynote. You'll find that the answer is systematic -- and easy to grasp. He'll also explain how you can use this solution to create more effective products and services.

Dr. BJ Fogg
Director of the Behavior Design Lab, Stanford University