Palace Pets in Whisker Haven - New Pet Bloom Unlocked - Treasure Hunt\r
Dont miss out on the super fun ALL-NEW Palace Pets in Whisker Haven Treasure Hunt event!\r
• Dig your way with one or more pets to find the hidden Easter eggs!\r
• Open Easter eggs which contain a puzzle piece or diamonds!\r
• Unlock a free fashion item each time you complete the first five puzzles!\r
• Complete the final sixth puzzle and you win the grand prize: your new Palace Pet, Bloom!\r
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Dont miss out on the super fun ALL-NEW Palace Pets in Whisker Haven Treasure Hunt event!\r
• Dig your way with one or more pets to find the hidden Easter eggs!\r
• Open Easter eggs which contain a puzzle piece or diamonds!\r
• Unlock a free fashion item each time you complete the first five puzzles!\r
• Complete the final sixth puzzle and you win the grand prize: your new Palace Pet, Bloom!\r
♥ iTunes Download\r
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