39 Problems with the Noahs Ark Story

  • 7 年前
39 Problems with the Noahs Ark Story\r
Hemant Mehta (, , \r
Link to this video: \r
By now, you probably know that Creationist Ken Ham and his Answers in Genesis ministry are about to open Ark Encounter, better known as the Noahs Ark Theme Park. \r
Essentially, this $100 million park wants to convince you that the story of Noah building the ark, and inviting two of each living thing on it, and rebuilding society is literally true.\r
I just have a couple of questions about that. \r
- Where did Noah find enough wood in the Middle East to build a ship of that size?\r
- When did Noah learn how to build a ship? Who taught him?\r
- How did the Ancient Egyptians need an army of slaves to build the pyramids, but Noah just needed his three sons to build the Ark? \r
- How did a family of eight care for all those animals? \r
- Why did a loving, caring God have to kill off all but two of every species? How did God decide which ones lived? What did those other llamas ever do to Him?\r
- Assuming God killed off all the other people besides Noahs family, didnt he also murder a bunch of unborn babies? And if God can do it, how come the Religious Right says women today cant?\r
- Where did Noahs Ark go? Weve never found the remains. Not on Mt. Ararat. Not anywhere. \r
- Since the story of Noahs Ark wasnt written down for thousands of years after the events happened, isnt is safe to assume the authors got some details wrong? The Gospel writers couldnt even agree on the details of Jesus life, and they wrote that stuff mere decades after his death. \r
- Why does the story of Noahs Ark so closely resemble the Epic of Gilgamesh? Theyre prically identical stories, but theyre obviously not talking about the same event. We shouldnt think of Noahs Ark as a story about obeying God and saving the world. We should think of it as the worlds most famous example of plagiarism.\r
- Wheres the evidence of a global flood that large, only 4,000 or so years ago?\r
- Because we have evidence of dinosaur fossils, we know dinosaurs had to be on that Ark, too. How the hell did they fit on there?\r
- Why did the meat-eating animals not eat all the other animals?\r
- What did all the animals eat, if not each other? And where was all the food stored? And how did it stay preserved for so long without a refrigerator?\r
- Did the animals go to the bathroom at all during the journey? And where did it all go?\r
- How did Noahs family not get all sorts of diseases with what had to be giant piles of shit building up on the ark?\r
- How did Noah collect the tens of millions of insect species alone, especially when those species dont live near each other geographically?\r
- Who inspected the insects to make sure you had one male and one female of each?\r
- How did they get the koalas from Australia and the penguins from Antarctica to come to the Middle East?\r
- And after the Flood, how did they get back there?\r
- How did they get all those animals onto the Ark that quickly? With all the species they needed to bring on board in a limited amount of time, and snails moving as slowly as they do, how fast were they boarding? \r
- How come when people draw pictures of the Ark, they never include the plants? Because there are a *ton* of plant species that also had to be on the Ark to survive. They wouldnt have survived the flood otherwise.\r
- Which animals on the ark had lice? Because, you know, those are living creatures, too.


