Irma Updates: A Bruised Southeast Shows Signs of Resilience

  • 7 years ago
Irma Updates: A Bruised Southeast Shows Signs of Resilience
By first light, Mr. Lutzen was pulling evacuees in boats through water
that went up to his chest “and hoping nothing in the water was going to hurt us.”
“I noticed all the water around us had a sheen,” Mr. Lutzen said.
”We have not had one like this in the state of Georgia for a very long time.”
“This is one where the entire state of Georgia has been affected by this hurricane-slash-tropical storm,
and as a result of that, recovery is going to be a little more slow.”
The state lifted an evacuation order that had been in effect for coastal areas east
of Interstate 95 after inspections confirmed the bridges there were safe to cross.
Here’s more on the storm:
• Almost 4.4 million Florida homes and businesses remained without power Tuesday night, according to state officials.
The state had shifted to recovery and rebuilding efforts on Tuesday, Mr. Scott said,
and the authorities were also working to get water and food to those who needed it and to restore access to fuel.
“This has been a path of destruction, not only through Florida
but also all of Georgia,” said Paul Bowers, the president and chief executive of Georgia Power.
