14 Most Bizarre Animal Hybrids

  • 7 years ago
These are 14 of the most amazing animal hybrids that ually exist like the incredible jaglion and the very bizarre grolar bear. \r
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6. Bengal Cats\r
In case you were looking through this list and you decided that you really would like to have some type of hybrid as a pet, you can! Bengal cats are hybrids between a domestic cat and an asian leopard cat. Bengal cats are known for their spunky personalities who are a little more on the wild side than your average house cat. They are know to jump really high, and have spots like a real leopard. This is not like breeding a lion and tiger. These animals are not depressed and ually enjoy a few health benefits from your average cat like immunity to feline leukemia. To keep one of these at home its best for them to have at least 3 or generations of domestication in their background. These cats need a little extra attention and shouldnt be outside cats or they may just go back to their wild ways.\r
5. Killer Bees \r
This is what happens when people think its fun to hybrid a little too much without thinking about the results and the story behind it seems like something out of a sci fi film. Farmers who were trying to increase the production of honey, cross bred the African honey bee with the European honey bee native to Italy and created a killing machine. This mix of genetics turned them into much more aggressive, killing machines. They dont mind a good chase either. If you even consider disturbing their nest, theyll chase you miles and have known to kill at least 1000 humans. Lets hope other hybrids wont turn out like this. \r
4. Wholphin \r
This extremely rare hybrid between a false killer whale and a dolphin can exist in the wild. Most of these hybrids ually exist in sea parks and the first recorded wolphin was born in the Tokyo Seaworld but died only a few hundred days later. Another accidental breed happened in the Sea Life Park in Hawaii. They exhibit extreme intelligence and can be trained like normal dolphins to do tricks. They can weigh up to 800 pounds and are measured up to 12 feet long. Bottlenose dolphins have 44 teeth and false killer whales have 88. The Wholphin is exly in the middle with 66 showing you equally it inherits its parents genetics.\r
3. The Leopon\r
This hybrid occurs from crossing a male leopard with a lioness. This would be extremely unlikely to happen in the wild and it artificially created. The first documentation of this majestic creature comes from India in 1910 when two cubs were born but died only after two and half months. The most successful leopon creature created were due to projects in Japan. Two hybrids were born and proved to be sterile like most hybrids. They seemed to commonly have the face of a lion complete with a mane and the coat of a leopard like you see in this photo.\r
2. Splice\r
So weve seen some animal splices already but you probably cant help but wonder what some human hybrids might look like. In new, Warner Brothers released a film called “Splice” which depicted a two scientists splicing human DNA with an unknown animal possibly a reptile, creating a hybrid. In this photo, you can see what Dren looked like as a young child from the scene where her name is determined.Dren is created for a pharmaceutical company and was kept as a secret from. In what ways could humans alter their DNA to be more like creatures and has it already happened behind closed doors?\r
The coywolf is the mix between a coyote and a wolf. You can tell in this photo that it shares both stronger both chareristics of its parents.Only cases in the northeastern United States confirms the existence of this mix. Coyotes have expanded their habitat which begin to make this possible and make it the new top predator in the area.. Other hybrids were created via artificial insemination. It turns out much larger than your average coyote with extremely power jaws. Wolf Hybrids can also be created with domestic dogs. Wolf hybrid owners will sometimes label their dogs as huskies, in order to be able own them since its illegal in some places to own them. Only time will tell if these hybrids continue to become more evolved.
