羋月傳 第74集 Legend of MiYue Ep 74 Eng Sub

  • 7 years ago
undefined:undefinedCan still
undefined:undefinedIt is said that it
undefined:undefinedThis wine is the best wine Xianyang city
undefined:undefinedBut the brothers feel
undefined:undefinedHe still did not horse breast wine on the prairie
undefined:undefinedOf course
undefined:undefinedHigh clouds grassland heaven history and a glorious wide Kuni
undefined:undefinedCast bridle can go anywhere
undefined:undefinedThis wine is windy rain gusto
undefined:undefinedQin can
undefined:undefinedHe has been living in the city
undefined:undefinedFence attached to the wall
undefined:undefinedA heavy door a heavy rules
undefined:undefinedHow could spawn wine
undefined:undefinedThat is king
undefined:undefinedAlthough we have now moved outside the city
undefined:undefinedBut this camp is still wooden barrier
undefined:undefinedStill not happy
undefined:undefinedLike a sheep pen, like
undefined:undefinedWe put in the inside circle
undefined:undefinedWe are people of Yi Qu horse on the prairie
undefined:undefinedNot the flock
undefined:undefinedYou do not like
undefined:undefinedI dont like it either
undefined:undefinedDaqin we can give people the benefits Yiqu
undefined:undefinedLet's tribe Qierlaoxiao
undefined:undefinedFeast ah
undefined:undefinedEven to the people on the prairie us
undefined:undefinedPatience to do it
undefined:undefinedI heard transferred us to the idea of ​​town
undefined:undefinedI not want to come out of the Queen Mother
undefined:undefinedIt is that Huang Gongzi from Chu thought out
undefined:undefinedAlthough the king is hearsay
undefined:undefinedBut like the intention that Huang Gongzai
undefined:undefinedWherefore Come on people
undefined:undefinedI do not know Yi Qu Jun came to town
undefined:undefinedSmall beneath much welcome
undefined:undefinedHuang Chu Huang Gongzi rest where
undefined:undefinedHuang Gongzi But here's what our elegant
undefined:undefinedMiyazato has often traveling shuttle
undefined:undefinedEmpress not want to get advice on national policy
undefined:undefinedKing would like to ask him is knowledge
undefined:undefinedLet these little Posthouse graced it
undefined:undefinedI asked people where you go
undefined:undefinedToday is picked up by Yong Huang Gongzi adults
undefined:undefinedWhen are you coming back
undefined:undefinedI do not know when to come back
undefined:undefinedWell you go prepare some food and wine
undefined:undefinedI'll be here waiting for him to come back
undefined:undefinedSin sin
undefined:undefinedLet Yi Qu Jun waiting
undefined:undefinedHuang Gongzi which is elegant
undefined:undefinedNature is not easy to see your face
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun joke
undefined:undefinedYou're the Qin honored
undefined:undefinedYan another four years a
undefined:undefinedYou still sparkle
undefined:undefinedSince the son is back
undefined:undefinedYou and I drink a glass
undefined:undefinedit is good
undefined:undefinedI also just thirsty
undefined:undefinedHuang Gongzai
undefined:undefinedDrunk people on the prairie
undefined:undefinedThere are, then do not conceal it
undefined:undefinedI have one thing clear
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun, please speak
undefined:undefinedWhen the break is broken
undefined:undefinedYan State in the same day
undefined:undefinedI hesitate to go
undefined:undefinedThat is because the month princess decided to go with you
undefined:undefinedBut now
undefined:undefinedShe has become my woman
undefined:undefinedWhy do you and catch up with the state of Qin
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun remark wrong
undefined:undefinedMy son is Chuguo Chen, accompanied by a proton
undefined:undefinedThis is Chu Feng Wang Zhiming
undefined:undefinedQin transverse to princes
undefined:undefinedYou see I know
undefined:undefinedSince it is the king to let you come
undefined:undefinedJust tell him
undefined:undefinedLet him change personal
undefined:undefinedYou can back up Chu
undefined:undefinedBecause I do not like you
undefined:undefinedyou do not like me
undefined:undefinedCould I suspect you are having an affair with the Queen Mother
undefined:undefinedIs not it
undefined:undefinedMay children always do things above board
undefined:undefinedIf you really are enamored month child
undefined:undefinedThis is not so narrow-minded
undefined:undefinedMay children
undefined:undefinedMay your children also called
undefined:undefinedI'll call her childhood
undefined:undefinedMy eyes do not rub the sand
undefined:undefinedYou give me leave immediately Qin
undefined:undefinedWho here is who is going to stay in Xianyang
undefined:undefinedYou are not the final say
undefined:undefinedI did not have the final say
undefined:undefinedWho have the final say
undefined:undefinedI naturally
undefined:undefinedEmpress King
undefined:undefinedHuang Gongzi free gift
undefined:undefinedI was with the king today afternoon
undefined:undefinedTreat your soldiers to camp
undefined:undefinedYou will not be
undefined:undefinedThey say you come to Caravanserai see the enemy
undefined:undefinedWhen did you come again
undefined:undefinedI came a half-day
undefined:undefinedHuang Gongzi have a drink with
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun excessive drinking whims
undefined:undefinedDo not mind the sub-Break
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun and I have things to discuss
undefined:undefinedNot much left
undefined:undefinedLet's go
undefined:undefinedWhat also stunned not go
undefined:undefinedGo out
undefined:undefinedSay what you want to say it
undefined:undefinedWhy not let it break you go yellow
undefined:undefinedChu sub-Break envoy
undefined:undefinedTime to go he will naturally go
undefined:undefinedIf you let him go he would go immediately
undefined:undefinedI do not want to let him go
undefined:undefinedTelling the truth, right
undefined:undefinedYou certainly do not want to let him go
undefined:undefinedYou humane with between Huang Xie
undefined:undefinedWhere you have to give up his way
undefined:undefinedThere are untold words of love between you and him
undefined:undefinedDay he will be summoned to the palace
undefined:undefinedSo if you want to follow you
undefined:undefinedYou Buxia him
undefined:undefinedYou are willing to lower my
undefined:undefinedBecause you are my Zhai Li Mi month
undefined:undefinedIt called for them marching orders to go to the people
undefined:undefinedMi month I had you ever neglect
undefined:undefinedYou Yi Qu Jun and which will be driven by people Gan Xinshou
undefined:undefinedYou are the Queen Mother ah
undefined:undefinedThe day you need to conquer the world
undefined:undefinedI put in front of you naturally
undefined:undefinedToday it
undefined:undefinedWe Yi Qu lay people in the world for you
undefined:undefinedBut your eyes
undefined:undefinedBut only those who pay lip service to the
undefined:undefinedYou say I am ruthless
undefined:undefinedBurning bridges
undefined:undefinedIn our prairie called Xiemoshalv
undefined:undefinedYou feel guilty
undefined:undefinedYou feel sorry for me.
undefined:undefinedIn the end what you want
undefined:undefinedI wonder how
undefined:undefinedEver since I was out of the womb
undefined:undefinedI think what happen
undefined:undefinedDaqin world
undefined:undefinedEven the king
undefined:undefinedI can not go on and do
undefined:undefinedYou Guan Dele Daqin
undefined:undefinedI can stop Zhai Li
undefined:undefinedNow you are Daqin courtiers
undefined:undefinedEverything must be rules
undefined:undefinedI'm not your man do courtiers
undefined:undefinedWell I do not do
undefined:undefinedWhat do
undefined:undefinedCourtiers or a man
undefined:undefinedI do nothing
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun
undefined:undefinedZhai Li
undefined:undefinedYou come back
undefined:undefinedQueen Mother
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun away
undefined:undefinedWhere did he go
undefined:undefinedIt was early in the morning to report it
undefined:undefinedHe said that with a few trusted people to leave the camp
undefined:undefinedBack to the old camps
undefined:undefinedHe said that really do come come
undefined:undefinedQueen Mother and King's will according to your
undefined:undefinedI Yong Rui, who drafted the territory of Daqin
undefined:undefinedGradually waste packet decree to implement the county-gun system
undefined:undefinedMayor appointed by the court
undefined:undefinedAnnual autumn and winter magistrate Mayor
undefined:undefinedTreatment should like to declare to the court that year
undefined:undefinedEach assessment and their subordinates
undefined:undefinedMerit promotion may alumni
undefined:undefinedWho had demoted rank Mianguan
undefined:undefinedThis is very good
undefined:undefinedSo that the court can decree issued successfully uploaded
undefined:undefinedConstrain the power of the old family
undefined:undefinedWise and competent people can reuse
undefined:undefinedEliminate useless and incompetent officials
undefined:undefinedAilanthus lining hard
undefined:undefinedDaqin country is so since when
undefined:undefinedArrogant king ascended the throne undone
undefined:undefinedRecently, I want to go out trip
undefined:undefinedLook at the situation outside Xianyang City
undefined:undefinedThe palace of the matter for the time being please
undefined:undefinedAilanthus lining and adults Yong cuisine
undefined:undefinedI do not know where to go to the Queen Mother inspecting
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Prairie
undefined:undefinedYi Qu country to surrender the latest Daqin
undefined:undefinedThe implementation of the latest county-gun system
undefined:undefinedPresumably heavy Zhiai
undefined:undefinedI want to personally go
undefined:undefinedPeople can be considered to appease local officials
undefined:undefinedAlong the way, pommel horse Lawton
undefined:undefinedSome really thirsty
undefined:undefinedHorse milk wine
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun always talking about the past
undefined:undefinedSaid the horse on the prairie breast good wine
undefined:undefinedI think the last tasted much better than this
undefined:undefinedToday, we tasted only to find
undefined:undefinedSure enough, not a good feeling
undefined:undefinedAfter too can praise
undefined:undefinedReally easy
undefined:undefinedThis is the Queen Mother so picky taste
undefined:undefinedAnd always able to change
undefined:undefinedYi Qu Jun, then interesting
undefined:undefinedYou all go on
undefined:undefinedI have something to say and Yi Qu Jun
undefined:undefinedTiger General
undefined:undefinedI'm all right
undefined:undefinedGo on
undefined:undefinedDo you come to me grassland
undefined:undefinedThis is my prairie Daqin
undefined:undefinedWhy does not allow me
undefined:undefinedYou do your Queen Mother in Xianyang
undefined:undefinedI do my in my prairie Yi Qu Jun
undefined:undefinedWe do not make the river water
undefined:undefinedI will not
undefined:undefinedwhy not
undefined:undefinedYou are my Daqin glimpse of courtiers
undefined:undefinedUnder my jurisdiction Daqin
undefined:undefinedBesides, you still owe the debt
undefined:undefinedI have come to your debt collection
undefined:undefinedI'm in debt
undefined:undefinedI shall surrender to the Qin
undefined:undefinedI never paid my
undefined:undefinedI Yi Qu times and it was all
undefined:undefinedTime and in full amount handed tribute
undefined:undefinedYou want to rely on
undefined:undefinedI love you owe the debt it
undefined:undefinedObviously your mind is filled with someone else
undefined:undefinedYou say I owe you
undefined:undefinedYou owe me more like it
undefined:undefinedWhat a wild horse duffers
undefined:undefinedI have been here packed to the brim
undefined:undefinedWhich also pretend to be someone else
undefined:undefinedPacked full
undefined:undefinedYou what you installed full
undefined:undefinedA little baby
undefined:undefinedLittle child.
undefined:undefinedWhere did a child
undefined:undefinedOf course you gave me
undefined:undefinedI was pregnant
undefined:undefinedAll the way from either the baby's father
undefined:undefinedThis baby really poor
undefined:undefinedYou mean you're pregnant with our children
undefined:undefinedits mine
undefined:undefinedIn addition to who you can be
undefined:undefinedI have a wonderful baby
undefined:undefinedI have a baby
undefined:undefinedI have Yi Qu heir
undefined:undefinedA father who do
undefined:undefinedNo Mustang reins at every turn crazy
undefined:undefinedStay away
undefined:undefinedThe abandoned his wife and children
undefined:undefinedZhai Li are all wrong
undefined:undefinedZhai Li is wrong
undefined:undefinedDaqin press law
undefined:undefinedHow fine you
undefined:undefinedIt is very unlikely it beheaded
undefined:undefinedCan not let a baby born
undefined:undefinedIt is not no father
undefined:undefinedNot ah
undefined:undefinedAccording to say that
undefined:undefinedHe also punishable ah Huang Xie
undefined:undefinedHe dared
undefined:undefinedHow dare you call audacious month child
undefined:undefinedMay his children can call you
undefined:undefineddo not worry
undefined:undefinedAlthough my feelings with him
undefined:undefinedBut innocent water
undefined:undefinedAnd affection between me and him
undefined:undefinedNot what you think
undefined:undefinedI did not think
undefined:undefinedWhich is not the case that could
undefined:undefinedYou do not understand
undefined:undefinedHow can I call you at ease
undefined:undefinedIf you really want me to worry
undefined:undefinedThen follow me to do one thing
undefined:undefinedYou said
undefined:undefinedLet longevity-day I married you witness
undefined:undefinedI am willing to
undefined:undefinedYou like you really want
undefined:undefinedI am willing to
undefined:undefinedHow to how to
undefined:undefinedUnfortunately, ah old witch is dead
undefined:undefinedIf he can live to see this scene
undefined:undefinedKu Cheng would not know what
undefined:undefinedWhy are not optimistic about the old witch our marriage
undefined:undefinedHe Yeah gaga
undefined:undefinedThis is obviously a happy event we pile
undefined:undefinedHe said that non-calamity
undefined:undefinedYou are not old and confused
undefined:undefinedHe really said so
undefined:undefinedDo not listen to him
undefined:undefinedLongevity-day blessing
undefined:undefinedI am married with Mi month
undefined:undefinedCommon destiny
undefined:undefinedNever betray
undefined:undefinedLongevity-day blessing
undefined:undefinedI am married with Zhai Li
undefined:undefinedCommon destiny
undefined:undefinedNever betray
undefined:undefinedKing drink water it
undefined:undefinedlet it go
undefined:undefinedHis mother came back from the meaning of the prairie canal
undefined:undefinedGuaren know
undefined:undefinedI have come back for several nights
undefined:undefinedWhether the king heard what
undefined:undefinedsay something
undefined:undefinedMother queen mother
undefined:undefinedHis mother how the
undefined:undefinedHis mother was pregnant
undefined:undefinedwhat did you say
undefined:undefinedDrainage is not a righteous man
undefined:undefinedDrainage is not a righteous man
undefined:undefinedGuaren'll look for his mother
undefined:undefinedKing King
undefined:undefinedStep aside
undefined:undefinedQu Bude king
undefined:undefinedYou get out
undefined:undefinedKing King
undefined:undefinedKing Qu Bude
undefined:undefinedI heard a few years ago
undefined:undefinedHis mother because of accidental injury Yi Qu Jun things
undefined:undefinedPenalty king over
undefined:undefinedso what
undefined:undefinedGuaren can not watch his mother her
undefined:undefinedRong and Di having children with that man right
undefined:undefinedStep aside
undefined:undefinedKing King King Qu Bude
undefined:undefinedYou can not come out of this thing King
undefined:undefinedThen how to say
undefined:undefinedShe is also your Niangqin his mother ah
undefined:undefinedParent for the child hidden child parent hidden
undefined:undefinedStraight in which
undefined:undefinedYou told me
undefined:undefinedHis mother's life is not easy
undefined:undefinedIf you are for her sake
undefined:undefinedFor the time being forbearance and tolerance
undefined:undefinedWas not to hurt Muzaizhiqing ah
undefined:undefinedBut this problem is the country of the boat Daqin
undefined:undefinedI do not come forward
undefined:undefinedSomeone will still come forward
undefined:undefinedI can not stop a person Zhongkoushuojin
undefined:undefinedChodo boiling meeting
undefined:undefinedLet others come forward
undefined:undefinedHow to get others to come forward
undefined:undefinedYour Majesty is king of a country
undefined:undefinedThere are all the officials under
undefined:undefinedThey informed that the matter
undefined:undefinedWe will stand up for you to share those concerns
undefined:undefinedYour Majesty still dumb good
undefined:undefinedI heard two months ago
undefined:undefinedLi Mi imperial doctor to make the diagnosis came out
undefined:undefinedJust kept telling intrauterine courtier
undefined:undefinedDamn Yi Qu Jun
undefined:undefinedThis is the Queen Mother placed on the stove
undefined:undefinedLeft intends to phase
undefined:undefinedKing know
undefined:undefinedKing still young
undefined:undefinedKnow what can
undefined:undefinedI immediately palace
undefined:undefinedPreparation chariot
undefined:undefinedSo you know
undefined:undefinedNot an unventilated wall
undefined:undefinedThen tell me
undefined:undefinedWhat should I do
undefined:undefinedRan brother do not know
undefined:undefinedDo you think
undefined:undefinedI should not have this child
undefined:undefinedYou are the Queen Mother
undefined:undefinedIs the child's mother
undefined:undefinedYou want to keep this child
undefined:undefinedWho could stop you
undefined:undefinedAlthough they no stopping me
undefined:undefinedBut they will clamor inside and outside Chodo
undefined:undefinedConfuse people
undefined:undefinedI say to discredit win Family
undefined:undefinedAilanthus lining asked to see the Queen Mother
undefined:undefinedYou go to
undefined:undefinedGo and tell Ailanthus lining
undefined:undefinedI say physical ailments
undefined:undefinedThree days later see on Chodo
undefined:undefinedRan brother
undefined:undefinedYou go and I invited the adults Yong
undefined:undefinedAdults, please return it
undefined:undefinedThree days later the Queen Mother said goodbye Chodo
undefined:undefinedThree days later
undefined:undefinedBy the time I am afraid that everything late
undefined:undefinedNow the matter has sensation
undefined:undefinedIf handled properly
undefined:undefinedThree days later big move
undefined:undefinedI am afraid that the ministers will declare the house of room to overturned
undefined:undefinedQueen Mother may not know
undefined:undefinedThe matter is now streets
undefined:undefinedWell known
undefined:undefinedWant to hide the truth are concealed from the
undefined:undefinedI do not want to hide
undefined:undefinedYong adults worry
undefined:undefinedIt declared not turn the temple room
undefined:undefinedIndeed difficult task which may matter
undefined:undefinedIf it is difficult
undefined:undefinedHow do I find you
undefined:undefinedAlthough people are Yan
undefined:undefinedBut I knew
undefined:undefinedYong also my adult DPRK Supreme wittiness
undefined:undefinedUnfortunately, Zhang child is not
undefined:undefinedTo deal with this and other matters
undefined:undefinedZhang child to be as eloquent wit job
undefined:undefinedZhang Zi though not in the
undefined:undefinedBut there you Yong adults do
undefined:undefinedLook around
undefined:undefinedChao Wenwu
undefined:undefinedThe only people who can safely be entrusted
undefined:undefinedThat's you
undefined:undefinedThank you trust the Queen Mother
undefined:undefinedYong Rui will spare no efforts
undefined:undefinedTry to live up to the Queen Mother re-look
undefined:undefinedIn fact, there is one person
undefined:undefinedYong adults may be able to discuss the matter with him
undefined:undefinedHuang Gongzi to adults
undefined:undefinedSub Break
undefined:undefinedYong adults
undefined:undefinedSit down quickly
undefined:undefinedThis seems to be commonplace in scholarship adults
undefined:undefinedYes ah doing a since ancient times
undefined:undefinedNobody can do through the university asked
undefined:undefinedIt seems the Queen Mother difficult yung adult
undefined:undefinedEmpress not only embarrass me
undefined:undefinedAnd let me find you discuss this matter
undefined:undefinedIt would not be difficult for you yet
undefined:undefinedIn my view
undefined:undefinedThis time most should not mention it to you
undefined:undefinedYong adults do not say
undefined:undefinedQueen Mother let you find me
undefined:undefinedBecause she would take me for a loved one
undefined:undefinedMagnanimous relative between us
undefined:undefinedNothing to hide
undefined:undefinedSo the matter known to the child breaks
undefined:undefinedTown Talk
undefined:undefinedThinly veiled
undefined:undefinedOkay, you say sub-Break
undefined:undefinedQueen Mother insisted to give birth to this baby
undefined:undefinedThat baby must have both the parent mother
undefined:undefinedBut on tomorrow Chodo
undefined:undefinedQueen Mother never mentioned to the crowd
undefined:undefinedBaby's father
undefined:undefinedThis is what to do
undefined:undefinedLet the baby without a father
undefined:undefinedI leafed through all the books
undefined:undefinedSince ancient times to today
undefined:undefinedThis thing does not make sense ah
undefined:undefinedHow does not make sense
undefined:undefinedThe ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty is how come
undefined:undefinedNot born black bird Birth to Shang do
undefined:undefinedSince the Zhou Dynasty ancestor born
undefined:undefinedBecause his mother swallowed a bird eggs
undefined:undefinedIt is not reasonable that a father
undefined:undefinedZhao Dafu things that I heard it
undefined:undefinedSoftly softly refrain from Zhang Yang ah
undefined:undefinedYou want her to hide the ugly
undefined:undefinedOut of this who do not know
undefined:undefinedWhat a shame
undefined:undefinedOut of this thing
undefined:undefinedLet's face how countries
undefined:undefinedHow the face of the ancestors ah Daqin
undefined:undefinedToday I want desperately to the Queen Mother admonition
undefined:undefinedYes ah is the ministers who
undefined:undefinedWu Wen dead admonish fight to the death
undefined:undefinedWhen at this time
undefined:undefinedTang adults
undefined:undefinedYong Yong adults adults
undefined:undefinedWang adults you adults
undefined:undefinedYong Yong adults adults adults Yong
undefined:undefinedYong Zheng adults adults
undefined:undefinedAdult and
undefined:undefinedThe Bureaucrats you towards it
undefined:undefinedGo towards gone gone
undefined:undefinedTowards towards it
undefined:undefinedJinrizhishi towards a glance
undefined:undefinedYou please please
undefined:undefinedHow this is ridiculous
undefined:undefinedIt is simply ridiculous
undefined:undefinedYeah absurd ridiculous
undefined:undefinedIs that
undefined:undefinedReally nonsense
undefined:undefinedKing to the Queen Mother
undefined:undefinedRobinson Meet the Queen Mother
undefined:undefinedMeet the King
undefined:undefinedZhu Qing free gift
undefined:undefinedI heard today in court before it is fun
undefined:undefinedState of you seem to be talking about adults
undefined:undefinedI Can Tell
undefined:undefinedWhat did you say
undefined:undefinedSima General
undefined:undefinedLeft phase
undefined:undefinedI have nothing to say to you
undefined:undefinedThat I'd have something important
undefined:undefinedTo tell you Bureaucrats
undefined:undefinedI do not know the Queen Mother
undefined:undefinedHave anything to say so
undefined:undefinedWe have a great event
undefined:undefinedTo tell you Bureaucrats
undefined:undefinedWas pregnant
undefined:undefinedSuch a thing
undefined:undefinedJust ridiculous
undefined:undefinedHow is this possible ah
undefined:undefinedWhat nonsense nonsense
undefined:undefinedYes ah how could such a thing
undefined:undefinedThis Whatever next Yes ah ah
undefined:undefinedThis truth ah
undefined:undefinedYou talk about unreasonable ah
undefined:undefinedDare to ask the Queen Mother
undefined:undefinedThis hi come from ah
undefined:undefinedIt was the Queen Mother Daqin
undefined:undefinedIt is pregnant naturally after ah's win
undefined:undefinedEmpress remark
undefined:undefinedIt is absurd ah
undefined:undefinedDo kings died a few years
undefined:undefinedCan also
undefined:undefinedGeneral really smart people
undefined:undefinedA few months ago I
undefined:undefinedHe had dreamed of kings
undefined:undefinedKings sad
undefined:undefinedWin's descendants spawned thin
undefined:undefinedKing alone arm missing
undefined:undefinedI fall asleep with it
undefined:undefinedGave birth to heirs
undefined:undefinedIt does not make sense ah this
undefined:undefinedhow can that be possible
undefined:undefinedWhich is simply nonsense
undefined:undefinedThis is simply ridiculous.
undefined:undefinedIt is
undefined:undefinedIt is really ridiculous ah
undefined:undefinedZhu Qing
undefined:undefinedNot for the first Wang He
undefined:undefinedIt is not as I do
undefined:undefinedThis this this is really
undefined:undefinedIt seems that you actually overjoyed
undefined:undefinedOverjoyed the
undefined:undefinedBut the moment I body some discomfort
undefined:undefinedI am truly tired
undefined:undefinedThen I tried to get back
undefined:undefinedEmpress Dowager
undefined:undefinedThe matter is too difficult to win the trust of fantasy
undefined:undefinedBureaucrats of you
undefined:undefinedLess impatient less impatient
undefined:undefinedI listen to a word
undefined:undefinedYong Rui
undefined:undefinedWhy do you want to stop Morohito
undefined:undefinedIt's that the matter is over
undefined:undefinedWhat can we do to catch up to you for
undefined:undefinedWhat you say
undefined:undefinedGentlemen dispute for a long time
undefined:undefinedQueen Mother wants nothing more than to give an explanation
undefined:undefinedToday, the Queen Mother has been given to explain
undefined:undefinedOf you not satisfied with it
undefined:undefinedThis can be considered accountable
undefined:undefinedIt is
undefined:undefinedThere are kings tomb Empress pregnant
undefined:undefinedThis is simply this
undefined:undefinedIt is to take us as children three years old
undefined:undefinedYes ah Is Well
undefined:undefinedWell that's right ah right
undefined:undefinedThat's how you want to explain ah Queen Mother
undefined:undefinedDaqin win Wang's blood
undefined:undefinedHow can we allow confusion
undefined:undefinedThat what you want
undefined:undefinedDo you want to force a mother
undefined:undefinedKill their children do
undefined:undefinedThis this this
undefined:undefinedWho would you wait
undefined:undefinedWho wants to start work
undefined:undefinedI first had this off
undefined:undefinedThat's blood can not pretend to win
undefined:undefinedAfter all, the royal bloodline's win
undefined:undefinedYes ah is
undefined:undefinedAh, that is,
undefined:undefinedSince no one has the ability to
undefined:undefinedPrevent the Queen Mother gave birth to this child
undefined:undefinedIt would be better to think about
undefined:undefinedWhat is this child born after the family name
undefined:undefinedIs surname Yi Qu Jun name it
undefined:undefinedTo do that he adulthood Packet
undefined:undefinedPacket over who owns the manor
undefined:undefinedRighteousness canal
undefined:undefinedNot work
undefined:undefinedDaqin soldiers hard-earned territory
undefined:undefinedHow can belong to different family names
undefined:undefinedYes ah makes sense
undefined:undefinedThat only win the family name
undefined:undefinedThis is definitely not
undefined:undefinedAs I waited for the minister Daqin
undefined:undefinedIf the sit royal blood
undefined:undefinedFrom sheer unbearable
undefined:undefinedHow to kings
undefined:undefinedHow to nations
undefined:undefinedHow to posterity
undefined:undefinedHeathen nations already a precedent
undefined:undefinedWhere did he come precedent
undefined:undefinedwhat is this
undefined:undefinedThis is the totem of black bird Daqin
undefined:undefinedBorn black bird Birth to Shang
undefined:undefinedZhou Dynasty ancestor's mother Jane Di
undefined:undefinedSwallow black bird's eggs
undefined:undefinedBorn next week, people began Zu Qi
undefined:undefinedWhere dare father in deed
undefined:undefinedQin ancestor mother Jiang Yuan
undefined:undefinedGiant footprints tread
undefined:undefinedQin ancestor abandoned while giving birth
undefined:undefinedWill the father who abandoned again
undefined:undefinedThat was just the ancient legend
undefined:undefinedHow can the present and future
undefined:undefinedThis remark is very
undefined:undefinedit is good
undefined:undefinedThey too far ancestor
undefined:undefinedThen talk about people today
undefined:undefinedToday the nations strongest seven countries
undefined:undefinedAmong the seven countries
undefined:undefinedNational power and territory and I can match the Daqin
undefined:undefinedIn addition there are Qi Chu
undefined:undefinedOf No
undefined:undefinedThis is indeed ah
undefined:undefinedYong adults
undefined:undefinedI know
undefined:undefinedDo not say
undefined:undefinedAilanthus lining
undefined:undefinedToday, the words must be opened
undefined:undefinedAilanthus Ailanthus lining lining
undefined:undefinedQi Qi and how
undefined:undefinedQi was originally a manor Jiang Ziya
undefined:undefinedQiguo Guo Jun was originally surnamed Jiang from generation to generation
undefined:undefinedBut now it is the generation of Tian
undefined:undefinedTian Qi formerly minister
undefined:undefinedAs one eager to get Wang Quan
undefined:undefinedHelpless family spawned thin
undefined:undefinedNobody patronize anger and do nothing
undefined:undefinedSo Tiancheng Zi thought of a way
undefined:undefinedHe inviting guests Miki big move
undefined:undefinedSo that guests can not help but rounding out the harem
undefined:undefinedBetween a few years more than seventy sons
undefined:undefinedTian thus be a flourishing population
undefined:undefinedPower surge
undefined:undefinedWhen to Tian Xiang Zi
undefined:undefinedOvertaking Chiang
undefined:undefinedAnd become the king of Qi
undefined:undefinedThis this this
undefined:undefinedThis proud shame Yan Yan
undefined:undefinedNo children when the Queen Mother to win surname
undefined:undefinedNaturally have to win surname
undefined:undefinedThis this
undefined:undefinedIt seems
undefined:undefinedSo be it the
