羋月傳 第50集 Legend of MiYue Ep 50 Eng Sub

  • 7 years ago
00:00Big Wang Zhangzi come
00:00Zhang son to sit
00:00Zhang was the eyes and ears of Xianyang city, most spiritual person
00:00Two days may hear Xianyang city
00:00A ballad
00:00King said, but
00:00Tetsuo into the city Zhe Fu Allure ah
00:00Intelligent man into the world
00:00Intelligent woman trouble in the world
00:00He said Zhou You Wang concubine favoritism
00:00Disinheritance Li Shu things
00:00King see how this ballad
00:00It seems to have referred to
00:00Now that travels all over the city
00:00Only one purpose
00:00It is trying to spread a certain
00:00Not spread as easily go
00:00For example Cheng Ming Temple Guaren
00:00King's harem is no shortage of smart woman
00:00But behind the songs Zhe Fu Allure
00:00There is another two
00:00I do not know no king heard
00:00Which two
00:00Women have a long tongue-dimensional order of Li
00:00Women long tongue disaster Huocongtianjiang
00:00Women less boring
00:00Much less people stay away
00:00No wonder Confucius say
00:00The only woman and the villain is also difficult to keep
00:00Past of the rude much of the blame
00:00This string has a foreign king Hualiyouhua sound ah
00:00What tone
00:00Well Or back down to business
00:00In recent years, the Datong-Qinhuangdao even tried several times to World War II
00:00After deter princes
00:00Next step is to break gave birth rate stable territory
00:00What is your view on this sub Zhang
00:00Wei Chen think that now the most important
00:00It is to put three new place to rein in
00:00A Bashu two for Yiqu
00:00Three for the land west
00:00Guaren feudal clan
00:00, Difficulties in three places
00:00Older son of king among talent
00:00The Zhou Xuan does not open it
00:00You may not know
00:00Mi month proposed
00:00Packet millet son wanted to go to Prachuab
00:00that's true
00:00This is the land west of Yi Qu
00:00Indeed there is no more appropriate Prachuab son millet
00:00Son Ji still a minor
00:00That Prachuab akin to finding far to the right he
00:00Mi eight children laid hold
00:00Prachuab better place than the
00:00You may not want to stay in Xianyang Gong Mi
00:00I do not want to stay in the side Guaren
00:00Such a move
00:00Contrary to expectations it Guaren
00:00It was Mi eight children
00:00Want nothing to fame and fortune from
00:00This is what I valued her place
00:00This is exactly where she was angered king
00:00In fact, no need to worry king
00:00Harem woman put it more
00:00Also just wishful thinking
00:00The final decision still have to rely on word of the king
00:00King to
00:00Meet the King Hill
00:00Mongol down
00:00Guaren to announce and his court
00:00Zhu son of Packet things
00:00Guaren adult son who gradually
00:00This is to guard the territory Daqin
00:00Entourage combat pay tribute Fu
00:00The time of the due diligence
00:00New Year Mongol down today
00:00Zhejiaobojiu far better than in previous years
00:00Boye and pepper selected are the best palace
00:00I wish you sisters
00:00Good luck rich peace
00:00I wish peace queen wealth
00:00Children's own children did not benefit
00:00Wei sister on children is still small
00:00Would you say this is also his feudal out
00:00Sister assured
00:00It was more than you do not want to let his son go Packet
00:00But Ms. Wei sister said the man
00:00I see Ms. Wei with confidence
00:00It seems certain to win the way
00:00Some people are self-righteous self-opinionated
00:00To really did like her
00:00Figure of their own peace of mind that's just fine
00:00King declared today in the house room
00:00Packet event to announce his court
00:00Mi month-old sister as if the matter concerns ah
00:00Lei Ting and rain are all Grace
00:00Not to mention all the king's son is a son
00:00Is King will not ill-treat them
00:00Also two back of the hand palm-like treatment it
00:00I do not believe you do not mind a little intention
00:00But all this time
00:00Sister to the king of the walk was less
00:00See Your face Junen natural Guadan
00:00I would like to plea to the king
00:00I guess we catch vain chance
00:00Sister really do not know
00:00The original sister's grace are seeking to come
00:00In front of King wiseacre
00:00Be careful shooting itself in the foot
00:00King has always Xulaolianyou
00:00Son of millet so small
00:00This is not up to you I'm afraid Packet
00:00Queen's memorial
00:00It is to find all the fan Packet son
00:00This is for everyone's
00:00Why is the son of millet no copies of it
00:00If it could Packet millet children together with other son
00:00It was a blessing millet children
00:00Big Wang Zaisi prosperous
00:00I ask the king Packet
00:00We are seeking a fair and just to give the sisters who
00:00Impartial for everyone
00:00To put it nicely it is for everyone
00:00To put it bluntly
00:00That was the calculation that everyone go in
00:00Ms. Wei you're wrong
00:00How can it be fancy calculation of king
00:00In this harem
00:00You and I can not do anyone lord the king of
00:00Today's big move will be king of the sons of Banzhao
00:00You should also have a message
00:00Yes ah is ah
00:00Sister assured the queen early
00:00Coral will be sent to the front
00:00Sister's anxious to get away this useless
00:00I always feel jumpy
00:00Ominous feel as if life and death
00:00It has happened
00:00It would be better to learn eight children
00:00To see her look as if you disregard life and death
00:00Banzhao of the Banzhao
00:00The queen Banzhao
00:00How is the king of Packet
00:00Back to the feudal queen king today
00:00Li already has military medals and adult son
00:00Son Hua Feng Jun cross door
00:00Ms. Tang's son son Huan Hou Feng Shu
00:00Wei beloved son, the son of pool closure oak Yang Jun
00:00Son Yun Feng Feng Ji Zhuang Blue Tianjun Gong sub-Jun
00:00These son
00:00No one else yet
00:00You do not hear no pass children
00:00I did not pass child feel at ease
00:00Ms. Wei Ms. Tang Wei Liang Ren
00:00Congratulations to you
00:00Why is my child Huan
00:00Packet thousands of miles away Basu
00:00Congratulations sister
00:00Basu was a good place
00:00This gentleman among
00:00Belong to your son huan of the largest manor
00:00This is a good thing ah
00:00Thank you sister
00:00Congratulations Wang Hougong child has also been strong lord
00:00Queen live up to years of painstaking nurturing
00:00Son of millet in the palace also happy event
00:00But also look after my sister to take care of a lot of sister
00:00Mrs. pacified
00:00King of injustice
00:00Either all Packet
00:00Or none Packet
00:00Why did I put out Chinese children Packet
00:00Mrs. pacified
00:00Aunt aunt should not be too sad
00:00Hua brother is gone
00:00Yi children will always stay in my aunt's
00:00Chinese children are my life ah
00:00He was out enfeoffment
00:00It is difficult to see another side
00:00Eight children
00:00Congratulations son feudal monarch to cross the door
00:00Son of wealthy fief from Xianyang and near
00:00I'm afraid everyone will envy your son all the
00:00So we are going to win Hua Wang Xieen to the parent
00:00In addition, China would also like to congratulate won eight children
00:00I can have anything Congratulations
00:00Congratulations, son of millet not Packet eviction
00:00Son This is what Italy
00:00Eight children know what I mean
00:00This is what it means son Hua
00:00This is no wonder he
00:00I'm afraid people will think so
00:00Ailanthus lining
00:00Ganda Fu
00:00Ailanthus lining you can hear
00:00Yesterday a large king called into the temple of the imperial doctor
00:00King of the Spring and Autumn season in previous years, are guilty of cough illness
00:00But taking a few eat enough not worry too much
00:00Although Sheng Wang Chunqiu big country, but this does not stand
00:00After all, let courtiers in limbo
00:00A few days ago Ganda Fu ordered
00:00The song Taiga Zhan Yang rumored to sing in utero
00:00I am afraid that can not be relieved courtiers more
00:00Why Ailanthus lining that is what I do
00:00Do not forget Ganda Fu
00:00Immortal work is also traceable
00:00Fortunately, not too concerned about the king
00:00Otherwise, beware cocoon
00:00Gan Mao conscience speak
00:00That concubine
00:00Just a country offering praise to the ordinary woman
00:00After killing will be able to apply entropy wins
00:00This palace some people head Mind
00:00It is greater than the concubine
00:00You mean months or Ms. Wei Mi
00:00Ms. Wei had not the heart king
00:00Lack of infestation
00:00Mi-month low birth mother Miriam world can not
00:00But the king doting son millet
00:00Estranged son swing
00:00The Packet to deceive the public
00:00Leaving a son millet
00:00Even the king's son had a minor
00:00All stay in the palace
00:00This son of millet Once in power
00:00This is certainly taking advantage of the Mi-month Tsunatsune bring disaster
00:00Ganda Fu not know
00:00Mi month had asked King
00:00The son of millet feudal out
00:00But the king flatly refused
00:00It was playing hard to get
00:00Really worrying
00:00Mi no wins this month of the heart
00:00But it seems really the son of King Ji
00:00Move the mind
00:00It seems really want to find another way
00:00Let Chu Princess
00:00Sure enough, all Ruhuasiyu
00:00I do not see the style and queen of the year
00:00At that time the palace of princesses handsome than
00:00All lost queen
00:00Even the most tricky that temper Yan princess
00:00On the subject looks to
00:00They also have to be convinced the queen
00:00People can not be good flowers last forever
00:00We in this life be passed
00:00Lift the Mi Yan
00:00Although her personality tricky
00:00Finally also married a
00:00Yan said that married into the country to do the country with his wife
00:00Wang Xiong letters also mention it to her
00:00States with an old man now
00:00Princess Looking back, Yin age is not small
00:00The king was a child
00:00Country phase may have kept their promises
00:00It must be the powerful
00:00What is the good of this name again
00:00How I feel
00:00Or just looked that good
00:00This looks too fragile a
00:00Or the good
00:00Bone lovely fairy Jade
00:00The Queen said that good must be the best
00:00Slaves are dazzled look up
00:00But no matter the princess was spotted our son
00:00That is the good fortune to repair past life
00:00Who are we son
00:00Do not need to worry slowly pick chant
00:00Who does not Jiya
00:00Since Packet
00:00Most of the palace adult son out letters
00:00Prince may issue still no landing
00:00Ganda Fu said that only married first child swing
00:00To promote the king to call the shots
00:00We may yet still small son of crown ceremony
00:00It also did not undergo king crown ceremony
00:00To marry a pro
00:00Dang children is the only legitimate son of King
00:00Dang children get married it is a sapping event
00:00At that time king if he did not stand Prince
00:00Chodo were told not gone down
00:00How the aunt
00:00Who got you upset
00:00In his own aunt she is mad at myself
00:00This is why
00:00Yesterday I saw the garden of the instant Li Zi
00:00To mention a
00:00I would like to use honey marinated Li Zi words
00:00Today, Hong Ji children took their children
00:00Go to the garden picking Li Zi
00:00Li Zi tree height
00:00Thanks millet child playing with a whip down
00:00The results have not had time to pick up their children Shannon
00:00Was gang swing around with the son
00:00Lux boor away a lot of
00:00Ji made a very depressed child
00:00That millet children have no quarrel with them
00:00Ji children could have been unconvinced
00:00But since you have asked of him
00:00Go out as little as possible to stir up trouble
00:00He refrained
00:00Millet obedient children
00:00But sometimes too obedient but it seems cowardly
00:00It is no wonder millet children
00:00I want to go out eviction
00:00In addition endured but also how to stay in the palace
00:00Son swing chivalrous unparalleled ah
00:00Any Biwuhuomeng Ben
00:00You then went on to practice
00:00He said the Queen had finished work today you went pepper room temple
00:00How about you find something she
00:00Do not go
00:00I was finally out for the day
00:00You're bothering me
00:00Small son know
00:00You hit it off with these wrestlers have
00:00Queen may really have something important to find you ah
00:00Dang children
00:00A greeting to his mother
00:00So adults
00:00How was a look of sweat which
00:00A Feng
00:00Son moment to put clothes have changed
00:00This is drenched not to catch cold
00:00Er Chen to find the line of his mother what happened ah
00:00Fast Well Er Chen busy now
00:00what are you busy with
00:00Advice to Wang Shu plot their strategy of world
00:00He said his mother may not understand
00:00I heard
00:00You recently recruited a lot of wrestlers from the marketplace bounder
00:00And they give Stone Lock Wrestling
00:00Competing hand also wrestling
00:00But you Daqin future Prince
00:00Jingui body
00:00How can the sum of those people around with crude
00:00If one is not careful
00:00They then give you the hurt
00:00I Daqin founding medals to his mother
00:00When I took the lead from Yong crown forces
00:00Since those warriors
00:00Er Chen is personally recruited
00:00If you can not share weal and woe with them
00:00How to rein in the people it
00:00And it is not the same father
00:00Day martial arts battle personally
00:00In addition to human monarch Yong crown forces
00:00It should also be wise and kind
00:00Mr. let you read the Book of Rites
00:00And Zuo Spring and Autumn
00:00You have finished reading it
00:00You're just not your father hi ordinary Beowulf
00:00Mr. Jean read in the book reading baby day
00:00Only those people the chance to read a doze
00:00Baby inevitably read more slowly
00:00The line all right I go first
00:00and many more
00:00His mother tell you to come
00:00There is something to make you see
00:00To sit down
00:00This is what
00:00Mu Shao-Ai know the color
00:00My children grew up swing
00:00It is time for the meeting of the pro
00:00You look at these portraits
00:00All of them are salicylic posture
00:00I do not like ah
00:00These are the princess Chu
00:00His mother to feel this good
00:00Forget it
00:00Er Chen's talk about it after marriage
00:00His mother would not have troubled the
00:00Dang Dang children children
00:00Son become so stubborn temper how
00:00Even if the queen not listen to the
00:00This thing was not his fault
00:00A few years ago that killer bees
00:00The child's swing too hard body injury
00:00It needs time to heal
00:00Blindly violate his mind
00:00He upset the even listen to
00:00Slowly persuade it
00:00If even these son
00:00Chu Guogong main disdain
00:00He is the kind of beauty you want ah
00:00What kind of beauty is not important
00:00It is important swing children married Princess Chu
00:00Qin and Chu pro plus pro
00:00Son compete for storage spaces
00:00Dang children off than others, more of a bargaining chip
00:00Pearl went to the messenger summoned
00:00I want to write a letter home to Wang Xiong
00:00Do you always follow me
00:00The Queen said, let's follow the small son to serve at any time
00:00Ready to obey orders
00:00I command you now give me away
00:00Small son knows bother
00:00I worry too much because you mouth
00:00Damn small
00:00Really damn
00:00Son son
00:00There is a Phi Xiangdian
00:00How Phi Xiangdian
00:00That was Ms. Wei's home
00:00Son Qu Bude
00:00Qu Bude
00:00Even the gods cents residence
00:00I want to go too
00:00Well great
00:00What people
00:00Here I dare to peeping
00:00Can not help but occasionally passing next
00:00Can not help a good
00:00Your eyes blind dog
00:00Son son
00:00This this this okay
00:00who are you
00:00How dare hit my son
00:00What son son
00:00Nature is the son of entropy
00:00Queen's son Dang Di
00:00A Feng honored to speak with you polite
00:00You do not go ah
00:00You listen to me ah
00:00Are you all right son son
00:00So how do you speak out of turn ah
00:00Son you are like this woman
00:00That small for you 去打听打听
00:00Aunt bad
00:00what happened
00:00I just play the harp in Dianwai
00:00Unexpectedly came maniac verbally molested
00:00I hit him on the head with dates
00:00Who would have thought
00:00The man was actually the heir-apparent son of the king of swing
00:00Lessons well
00:00This is obviously Phi Xiangdian king gave aunt
00:00How will the son swing intruder
00:00King has given this aunt Phi Xiangdian
00:00Others had no intention to
00:00But that son of different swing
00:00He is the legitimate son of the king
00:00Queen listens to him
00:00And bent on holding him to do Prince
00:00Let him develop a domineering temper
00:00In addition to the king who would dare to provoke him to die
00:00He really would do when Prince
00:00This prince of the place was originally a Chinese children's
00:00Chinese children can now be enfeoffment out
00:00Another son swing queen do background
00:00Right now is not good to say
00:00This means that Qin world
00:00Will one day fall into the hands of the son swing
00:00Yi children if you can make a change of heart king
00:00This world is your brother Hua
00:00Yi children tried but without much success
00:00King's mind that they please
00:00You are young and beautiful plenty of opportunities
00:00Worth mentioning two days in the garden
00:00You do not go there
00:00If that son provocative swing again
00:00You may wish to tell him
00:00Even if you can spare him
00:00King would kill him
00:00It is the aunt
00:00King Koushui
00:00This water taste good
00:00Wei Yi is the woman sent
00:00He said to be fried with bamboo water
00:00The best goal of the
00:00You think
00:00Wei Yi how about that woman
00:00Vivid colors and moving
00:00Then why
00:00She is not satisfied Weifei
00:00Laonu do not know
00:00Some of that stuff behind her face
00:00Guaren not clear
00:00This bamboo Guaren not drink the water
00:00Guaren imperial doctor said Yin injury gas consumption
00:00I am afraid that too much is not good clear fire
00:00Since King not clear
00:00Laonu even more Laoyanhunhua
00:00There Fritillaria pear soup king here
00:00Mi is the eight children heard the king Cough
00:00Specially sent just sent
00:00You try
00:00Mi month for a long time did not come to the house of the Cheng Ming
00:00Is the king would not let her come
00:00She is deliberately far the Guaren
00:00How could it
00:00King back the next purpose
00:00Let her day to Cheng Ming Temple
00:00King is accompanied by a stay
00:00It's useless
00:00Guaren talking
00:00Her heart and farther away from Guaren
00:00I do not read to get out of it
00:00King came
00:00Free gift
00:00Do you think you are so big millet children
00:00Are you still confused hand and dirt inside the garden
00:00Palace favorite of most people say you Guaren
00:00In addition to these words about yourself Guaren
00:00Who can believe
00:00King knew me when I was so
00:00King is now banking on me
00:00And become different from the past
00:00Still the same
00:00Yeah you are distressed Keep your hands Guaren
00:00Months child flattered
00:00Do not flattered Guaren month child
00:00Italy May magnate children understand
00:00What flavor
00:00May children never Incense
00:00Not Incense
00:00Very refreshing ah
00:00Is not this taste
00:00Pretty good
00:00What is medicine
00:00Dan called silver grass
00:00Female doctors told me a few days ago engines
00:00He said the garden had blindly herbs
00:00Refreshing fragrance stagnation
00:00Prevention can also mosquito
00:00Chenqie asked the name of the herb
00:00I would like to adopt some of the sachet made
00:00Let millet children and pepper room temple people
00:00It can wear on the body
00:00It really control effectiveness of mosquito
00:00How many there are at least pray for the peace of mind it
00:00It tastes like good Guaren
00:00Guaren to do two to the temple Cheng Ming
00:00Send past tonight
00:00We also do not king in this garden
00:00Then stroll ah
00:00Do not go back to Cheng Ming Temple
00:00Laonu see this garden really quite good
00:00This stroll much for a while ah
00:00Manner children to feel myself enough times
00:00Old things into a fine
00:00This girl is really the son of a daily hour
00:00Here practicing harp ah
00:00Yes she was seen five days a Four Points
00:00She was so wild
00:00How likely is Wei Guo main ah
00:00Her father is the king
00:00Ms. Wei was her aunt
00:00This is also false
00:00Son saw the woman be
00:00Really I do not know how much longer look like ah
00:00Shame spend close deportment watery
00:00But her son to take you to the play date
00:00This is to let the son of the most tempting place
00:00Dare the son of man
00:00In addition to her in this world there is no second
00:00And even if I lost her dates
00:00It is also light as smart If You Long Jiao
00:00Hush Hush
00:00You see a son who
00:00You have nothing to say
00:00How about you talk to me
00:00Are you doing here
00:00Do not do
00:00Do not do
00:00You date a good ah
00:00Do not move this is for princess
00:00Which Princess Princess ah
00:00none of your business
00:00But his son into the Phi Xiangdian ah
00:00He also dare that Wei Guo main idea
00:00[Customs cock sing]
00:00[In the River Island]
00:00[My Fair Lady]
00:00Ping mining
00:00Princess Yi
00:00Those who go out yet
00:00These idiots
00:00Mining Ping you fished it
00:00No slaves
00:00But others have seen slaves Fishing
00:00How that Ms. Wei's niece had not gone
00:00Packet has not finished yet
00:00King did not seem to particularly care for her
00:00I heard that she was the king's favorite princess
00:00Ms. Wei feelings and their brother the king excellent
00:00Packet son out of China
00:00Ms. Wei was sick
00:00So the king let his daughter
00:00Phi serve to stay in the house of Ms. Wei Hong
00:00Almost unheard
00:00A unmarried princess
00:00For a long married aunt
00:00All the way to other countries
00:00A stay is not gone
00:00This is obviously a trap set up under Ms. Wei
00:00I want this woman to seduce children
00:00Feng A swing children for no reason
00:00How to go to the Phi Xiangdian
00:00He bent to make only a world hero Wu
00:00How can a woman have anything to do with Wei
00:00After all how is it
00:00I do not know really small
00:00You never know
00:00I will let you all day to follow son
00:00You waste ah
00:00Damn small
00:00Queen pacified
00:00Since the calculation we determined that Ms. Wei son
00:00I'm afraid many people follow the Queen to send another son
00:00Also to no avail
00:00Really shameless
00:00Take no match for the son of the queen start
00:00She never expect
00:00Dang child is my child's swing
00:00This is your needle and thread
00:00Month child heart stupid enough not mind being outperformed king
00:00Sachet so delicate
00:00Guaren doubts
00:00How did you rush to do it
00:00Flying fairy can not do so swift
00:00This sachet is two days before on the well
00:00Just waiting to gather grass after Dan Silver
00:00Get over to the king
00:00May children really skilled
00:00With king costumes
00:00If a touch of yellow line would be better
00:00May children also worried about it Guaren
00:00How can you not care
00:00Why do you have to take millet children
00:00Leave Xianyang
00:00In addition to monthly child care magnate
00:00But also worried about things too much
00:00Guaren know
00:00That surprises from killer bees
00:00You have to let a lingering fear
00:00Do you think even stay around in Guaren
00:00You are also more likely than peace and millet children of
00:00Month child who is king
00:00For the king one hundred die without regret
00:00Just millet children under age
00:00Variable bit-Prince palace
00:00It is inevitable feeling of insecurity
00:00It was difficult for millet storage spaces for children
00:00May children just say common sense
00:00King think about
00:00Since you're talking about things today Prince
00:00Guaren told you about Prince
