Mythical Creature Caught On Camera - REAL WEREWOLF? (LYCAN)

  • 7 years ago
Werewolf caught on camera? Is this mythical mysterious creature a real werewolf? Scary creature caught on tape\r
Is this the mythical creature werewolf?\r
Is this mysterious scary creature caught on camera real?\r
Welcome back YouTubians and for those of you who are here for the first time.what ook you so long.\r
Oktobrina sent me this image on our FB Fan page\r
Now there are a couple of versions of the story behind these photos. One version is that a couple of fishermen came upon this scary creature and it was still alive. So they did what any reasonable person would do and that is throw rocks at it.\r
So is this finally proof that werewolves exist?\r
A werewolf is a human who has the ability to shape shift into a wolf, or human-hybrid wolf-like creature.\r
The legend of werewolves developed sometime around the late middle ages and the early modern period..right about the same time as the belief in witches.\r
One of the earliest mentions of a werewolf in literature was in the poem Bisclavret by marie De France where a nobleman is described as having to transform into a wolf every week.\r
In the early 15th century they even held werewolf trials in what is now modern day Switzerland. \r
Clinical Lycanthropy is an ual condition. Its a rare psychiatric condition where the victims ually suffer from the delusion that they “can transform into, has transformed into, or is a non-human animal.”\r
These people ually “grunt, claw and feel their body is covered with hair and their nails are elongated.”\r
Dr Jan Dirk Blom of the University of Groningen has found that since 1850 there have been at least 56 cases of people who believed they were transforming into an animal.\r
Out of those 13 would fall under the diagnoses of Clincal Lycanthropy.\r
The origins of this folklore could possibly stem from rabies because the of the similarities between the symptoms of the disease and the legends.\r
he concept of transmitting the werewolf disease through a bite is a more modern adaptation on the belief.\r
Werewolf sightings occur frequently, as recently as May of 2016 seven separate eyewitnesses claim to have witnessed an 8 foot tall wolf-like creature outside of the city of Hull.\r
Robert Ingram and his wife attempted to take a picture of the beast that they described as black panther and weighed around 9 stone, which I dont know what the hell that means. \r
Mr Ingram because of his shitty potato cam skills drew up a sketch of the creature which the Daily Mail says the sketch now has caused concerns that it wasnt a panther, but a more unusual beast.\r
Why? Because they cite that the “visual interpretation appears to show an animal with almost human like traits: \r
How about the visual interpretation appears to show that Mr. Ingram draws as well as a 6 year old.\r
But I digress.whats going on with this picture.\r
Is this really the rotting carcas of a werewolf?\r
No its not.well then what is it you may ask?\r
Insert John Cena meme\r
Before I offer up what I think it ually is I wanna address something really quick.\r
I am here to primarily entertain and nothing I say is written in stone. I am wrong and often so about a great many things.please dont let Angela know I admitted this.\r
A commentor asked if there was anything we have not been able to debunk here at Hoax For and the answer is yes.\r
However, just because we dont know what something is, it never gives you the right to assume its something else, especially when that assumption leads to some ridiculous speculation.\r
There is a logical fallacy known as the argument from ignorance.\r
It is the claim that the truth of a premise is based on the f that it has not been proven false.\r
In other words.\r
X is true because there is no proof X is false.\r
Or for example in todays story:\r
This is must be a werewolfe because there is no proof it isnt.\r
Another concept you should familiarize yoruself with is Occams Razor.\r
And that is the concept that if there are two possible explanations for soemthing, the simpler one is usually better.\r
Ultimately you should live your life wanting to believe as many true things as possible and as few fals things as possible\r
So when looking at this image, even tho I cant prove with 100% accuracy that this is NOT a werewolf but most likely either a phase black bear suffering from mange, or the bloated dead body of a large cat.\r
Out of two possible explanations: Werewolf or real life animal we have evidence of, the most simple explanation is its a real life animal we have evidence of..\r
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Your Logical Fallacy Poster:\r
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