EU gives Poland one month

  • 7 years ago
The European Commission on Tuesday gave Poland one month to address concerns over its proposed reform of its judicial system. The Commission started legal proceedings against the nationalist government in Warsaw back in July this year. The reforms are the idea of the ruling nationalist Law and Justice Party (PiS). Critics say the overhaul is an attempt by the government to take control of the justice system in Poland and that the reforms would undermine the courts. If the changes come into force all Supreme Court judges could be removed and replaced.

The Commission says Warsaw has so far failed to address concerns and has now warned that the case could escalate and go to the EU Court of Justice if that doesn’t happen over the next 30 days.

There has been widespread protest in Poland over the proposed changes. The latest demonstration took place in front of parliament in Warsaw on Tuesday.

Poland’s government has rejected Brussels’ objections as blackmail and unjustified criticism.