These incredible animals have learned to live their lives even though they have disabilities like two legs or beaks being destroyed\r
Subscribe to Knowledge Feed for Myth Mania Mondays, F Tree Tuesdays, Wildlife Wednesdays, Origin Thursdays, Fun F Fridays & Wildcard Weekends.\r
7. Oscar The Bionic Cat\r
Oscar is a sweet, adorable cat that is loved by everyone he meets. This friendly cat got into a horrible accident in new in which his hind legs were caught in a combine harvester and severed. The family was devastated that they would have to put their favorite pet down. But luckily the local veterinarian knew of a British doctor, Noel Fitzpatrick who had been using implants to replace missing limbs on dogs. He agreed to insert prosthetic legs made of titanium and to the delight of everyone involved, Oscar survived. While he cant roam as freely as he used to, Oscar is still as loving as ever and lives a happy life. He has also become very popular and holds two Guinness World Records, one for being the first animal with two bionic leg implants and the other for being the first animal to receive implants into its moving joints. \r
6. Septimus the Tortoise\r
Septimus had his front legs gnawed off by rats while hibernating. Coming out of hibernation to this must have been a horrible shock to the tortoise. What was remaining of his legs was infested with maggots. Luckily the tortoise was owned by Darren Strand. This man with a heart saw the dismembered tortoise and decided to take him to the vet. The vet amputated what was remaining of his legs and fitted the reptile with a pair of model airplane wheels. Though it took some getting used to, Septimus now moves very well on his wheel legs. \r
5. Zhu Jianqiang The Two Legged Pig\r
This pig, whose name means Strong-Willed Pig has attained celebrity status in China. He was born in a litter of nine piglets. The family that owned the pigs thought about dumping him, thinking he didnt have much of a chance of surviving. This remarkable pig defied the odds and not only survived, but learned how to walk upside down! The owner has an unlikely bond with the pig and even refused to sell him to a circus for a high price. \r
4. Nakio the Bionic Dog\r
Nakio is the first dog to ever be fitted with four prosthetic legs. He was found cruelly abandoned in the basement of a Nebraska home during the winter. The dog was suffering from severe malnourishment and was stuck frozen into a puddle. After being found the dog was nursed back to health, but the acute frostbite caused by the puddle forced vets to remove all four of his legs. Eventually after a lot of funding an animal hospital in Denver was able to fit the dog with four prosthetic legs. The dog once abandoned has defied the odds more than once and now has the ability to walk and even run on his new legs.\r
3. Dudley the Duck\r
This brave little duck was attacked by aggressive chickens, leaving him without a leg. Doug Nelson, a co-owner of the shelter where Dudley was staying, decided to help him out. He sought out Terence Loring, the founder of 3 Pillar Designs, a design firm that utilizes 3D printing. The design firm had just opened and was hesitant to take Dudley as its first client but they decided to help Dudley and after a few attempts came up with a fully functional artificial leg. It turned out to be a match made in heaven. Dudley is able to get around well and as he grows, the up and coming design firm has to test its skills by creating newer, better legs for the growing duck.\r
2. Molly the Pony\r
Now we are fortunate enough to meet Molly, the pony that has been a source of constant hope and inspiration for those suffering in New Orleans from the devastating hurricane Katrina. Molly was attacked by a dog right around the time hurricane Katrina struck the New Orleans coast. The attack left Mollys front right leg mangled and infected. Almost any other pony would have been euthanised, but Molly had a fighters spirit that her surgeon refused to give up on. She was fitted with a prosthetic leg and shortly after began traveling to hospitals, nursing homes and any other place where people were in need of hope. This heroic animal has spread endless hope in an area devastated by natural disaster.\r
1. Motala The Elephant\r
Motala was a working elephant moving trees in Thailand in 1999. While wandering through the forest looking for food, Motala stepped on a land mine left over from the Burmese-Thai war. The results were not good. The leg was so badly damaged that it had to be amputated below the knee. She survived and was left without a leg until 2006 when an artificial leg was made for her. Then in new, after a great deal of effort, Motala was fitted with her first permanent prosthetic leg. The leg was also the firs
Subscribe to Knowledge Feed for Myth Mania Mondays, F Tree Tuesdays, Wildlife Wednesdays, Origin Thursdays, Fun F Fridays & Wildcard Weekends.\r
7. Oscar The Bionic Cat\r
Oscar is a sweet, adorable cat that is loved by everyone he meets. This friendly cat got into a horrible accident in new in which his hind legs were caught in a combine harvester and severed. The family was devastated that they would have to put their favorite pet down. But luckily the local veterinarian knew of a British doctor, Noel Fitzpatrick who had been using implants to replace missing limbs on dogs. He agreed to insert prosthetic legs made of titanium and to the delight of everyone involved, Oscar survived. While he cant roam as freely as he used to, Oscar is still as loving as ever and lives a happy life. He has also become very popular and holds two Guinness World Records, one for being the first animal with two bionic leg implants and the other for being the first animal to receive implants into its moving joints. \r
6. Septimus the Tortoise\r
Septimus had his front legs gnawed off by rats while hibernating. Coming out of hibernation to this must have been a horrible shock to the tortoise. What was remaining of his legs was infested with maggots. Luckily the tortoise was owned by Darren Strand. This man with a heart saw the dismembered tortoise and decided to take him to the vet. The vet amputated what was remaining of his legs and fitted the reptile with a pair of model airplane wheels. Though it took some getting used to, Septimus now moves very well on his wheel legs. \r
5. Zhu Jianqiang The Two Legged Pig\r
This pig, whose name means Strong-Willed Pig has attained celebrity status in China. He was born in a litter of nine piglets. The family that owned the pigs thought about dumping him, thinking he didnt have much of a chance of surviving. This remarkable pig defied the odds and not only survived, but learned how to walk upside down! The owner has an unlikely bond with the pig and even refused to sell him to a circus for a high price. \r
4. Nakio the Bionic Dog\r
Nakio is the first dog to ever be fitted with four prosthetic legs. He was found cruelly abandoned in the basement of a Nebraska home during the winter. The dog was suffering from severe malnourishment and was stuck frozen into a puddle. After being found the dog was nursed back to health, but the acute frostbite caused by the puddle forced vets to remove all four of his legs. Eventually after a lot of funding an animal hospital in Denver was able to fit the dog with four prosthetic legs. The dog once abandoned has defied the odds more than once and now has the ability to walk and even run on his new legs.\r
3. Dudley the Duck\r
This brave little duck was attacked by aggressive chickens, leaving him without a leg. Doug Nelson, a co-owner of the shelter where Dudley was staying, decided to help him out. He sought out Terence Loring, the founder of 3 Pillar Designs, a design firm that utilizes 3D printing. The design firm had just opened and was hesitant to take Dudley as its first client but they decided to help Dudley and after a few attempts came up with a fully functional artificial leg. It turned out to be a match made in heaven. Dudley is able to get around well and as he grows, the up and coming design firm has to test its skills by creating newer, better legs for the growing duck.\r
2. Molly the Pony\r
Now we are fortunate enough to meet Molly, the pony that has been a source of constant hope and inspiration for those suffering in New Orleans from the devastating hurricane Katrina. Molly was attacked by a dog right around the time hurricane Katrina struck the New Orleans coast. The attack left Mollys front right leg mangled and infected. Almost any other pony would have been euthanised, but Molly had a fighters spirit that her surgeon refused to give up on. She was fitted with a prosthetic leg and shortly after began traveling to hospitals, nursing homes and any other place where people were in need of hope. This heroic animal has spread endless hope in an area devastated by natural disaster.\r
1. Motala The Elephant\r
Motala was a working elephant moving trees in Thailand in 1999. While wandering through the forest looking for food, Motala stepped on a land mine left over from the Burmese-Thai war. The results were not good. The leg was so badly damaged that it had to be amputated below the knee. She survived and was left without a leg until 2006 when an artificial leg was made for her. Then in new, after a great deal of effort, Motala was fitted with her first permanent prosthetic leg. The leg was also the firs
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