巴風特再見了,這輩子大概沒機會看他重回戰場了。 -------------------------------- 喜歡就按個追隨吧! 你好,我是羽根( 〱ゝω・) 隨心所欲的玩著遊戲.
In this episode of Twin Toys, twin kids, Eli and Liam fall for another Daddy prank in order to teach the kids the importance of family and brotherhood. While they .
感謝大家對這開頭影片的厚愛XD 特地將它剪出來再做了一個小結尾(喂) 其實上一部影片本來只是唸唸被Nerf的心得但錄製完剪接時,不知為何腦中就一.
In this episode of Twin Toys, twin kids, Eli and Liam fall for another Daddy prank in order to teach the kids the importance of family and brotherhood. While they .
感謝大家對這開頭影片的厚愛XD 特地將它剪出來再做了一個小結尾(喂) 其實上一部影片本來只是唸唸被Nerf的心得但錄製完剪接時,不知為何腦中就一.