Classy Wedding Invitations

  • 16 years ago So how do you make sure your guests know your wedding is going to be a formal and classy affair with your wedding invitations? One of the best ways to imply formality and classiness is to go with the classic wedding invitation style of white or ivory invitations with black engraving on them. The traditional look will help communicate that your wedding is a black tie event. But there are so many styles of wedding invitations these days, you don't need to stick so closely to the traditional black on white or ivory look if you don't want to... this is your wedding, and you can make it your own. Pick whatever color and style you like, because it's just as important to communicate who you are as a couple as it is to make a classy and formal statement, and communicating that starts with your invitations. So if you want traditional and classy, go with the classic look, but if you want something that is more you, then go with whatever you think looks good... but be warned, it's going to be hard to convince your guests that you are having a formal black tie wedding if your invites are hot pink with green lettering. But picking something personal is always the best choice for any............
