• 8 years ago
At the age of 39, this husband, father of 2, and successful women's shoe designer, Peter Finnie was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. Now, at the age 60, he is cancer free, inspiring us with his story of hope, and sharing his good fortune with his community.

When Peter was first diagnosed with lymphoma cancer in 1996, the disease was not curable and he had anywhere from 5-25 years to live. Advised by his father, who was a doctor, Peter looked for alternative therapies to avoid chemotherapy because he feared it could cause his cancer to become more aggressive.

For 8 years Peter traveled around the country, visiting doctors who would treat him using alternative, homeopathic treatments. Years after his diagnosis, Peter had to start chemotherapy.... but by this time, he was also able to receive a stem cell transplant, which didn't exist when he was first diagnosed with cancer. Thanks to his sister, who was a perfect match for a stem cell transplant, his cancer is now cured!

"If I had done chemotherapy early on, I probably wouldn't be sitting here today. What saved my life was the fact that I waited enough time where an incurable disease became a curable disease because stem cell transplants didn't exist when I was first diagnosed with cancer. Now, I'm cured."

Peter decided it was time to give back to his community who supported him through his battle with cancer, so he opened a store that showcases local vendors called "Local Soul". Being an artisan himself, he created the store in honor of his community. (He even got the community involved in naming the store with a contest.) "This business brings people together... People feel like this is their store." Peter's strength, his story of survival, and his support of his local community are inspiring us all!

This HooplaHa original video was produced by Tracy Chevrier, shot by Johnny Perez, and edited by Kellie Sieban. To see more good news, follow us on Facebook and sign up for our Only Good News Newsletter.
