Where Ollie learns “to be or not to be.” 아니에요가 헷갈리는 건 올리 잘못이 아니에요! Ollie is studying Korean using the Talk To Me In Korean study books!
Where Ollie gets his last (and funniest) Korean lesson for season 1 JOLLY. 졸리 시즌1의 마지막 (그리고 제일 웃긴) 한국어 수업을 합니다! Ollie is studying .
Where Josh and Ollie take a jolly stroll through memory lane (aka. the deep dark corners of the Internet) to re-discover their pre-Korean-Englishman era videos.
Where Ollie gets his last (and funniest) Korean lesson for season 1 JOLLY. 졸리 시즌1의 마지막 (그리고 제일 웃긴) 한국어 수업을 합니다! Ollie is studying .
Where Josh and Ollie take a jolly stroll through memory lane (aka. the deep dark corners of the Internet) to re-discover their pre-Korean-Englishman era videos.