Achaea Year 750 World Games - Ship Arena Battle - Recorded by Mercer aboard the Arctic Fox

  • 7 years ago
This is a video log of the ship arena battle which was held as a part of Achaea's year 750 games. Achaea is a text based multi-user dungeon (mud). More information can be found at

For the impatient, the action starts at about: 07:07 in the video.

Ships and Players Participating:

Yard and Fundament - Pirate Sea Strider
Captain: Jinsun ( Pirates of Meropis / Ashtan )
Crew: Tianondria ( Pirates of Meropis / Ashtan ), Akhunaga ( Pirates of Meropis / Ashtan ), Klendathu ( Ashtan )

TLS Defiance - Mhaldorian Sea Strider
Captain: Alrena ( Mhaldor )
Crew: Kiet ( Mhaldor ), Reyson ( Mhaldor ), Seortiae ( Mhaldor )

The Bad Idea - Targossan / Mariner Sea Strider
Captain: Greys ( Targossas / Sefyric Mariners Guild )
Crew: Naomh ( Cyrene / Sefyric Mariners Guild ), Kayeil ( Cyrene / Sefyric Mariners Guild ), Kogan ( Cyrene / Sefyric Mariners Guild )

Arctic Fox - Eleusian Sea Strider
Captain: Mercer ( Eleusis / Sefyric Mariners Guild / the person recording this video )
Crew: None.

The battle began at 1am pacific standard time. The prize for the winning ship was a free artefact ammunition rack of the captains choice. In this battle, Mhaldor and the Pirates are effectively allied, as are Targossas and Eleusis. This is due mostly to the politics of the game, but is also about strategy.

Please keep in mind this video was made after the fact via a screen recorder and the mudlet replay function, which is sadly rather limited. I had no prior experience with it and was unaware that floating windows/gui, GMCP information, echos, prompts, commands and some full colours would not be displayed or not be displayed properly. My combat system is actually a lot cleaner than this... really.

I certainly made a lot of mistakes during the battle, which will now be immortalized for all to see. :) Keep in mind I was the only captain without a crew though, and I had to wear a lot of hats during the long fight. And in my defense, it was 2 in the bloody morning by the time the final battle with Greys took place. I make no excuses, he won fair and square, but it won't be that way next time!

I offer my highest compliments to Mhaldor for, as always, giving us one Hell of a good fight.

I hope this video encourages more players on Achaea to get involved in the seafaring system and ship combat in general.

Please watch this in full screen HD. If the music gets to be too much, just mute it. If you can identify the final tune I used at the end of the video, congratulations, you are officially old.

For the un-initiated watching this, keep in mind that aiming a weapon or clearing a weapon/figurehead that has become entangled by spidershot/starshot is a "channeled action". Taking any other action, including giving other commands like turning or adjusting speed, breaks the process and forces you to start over again. This is why having a player crew is advisable whenever possible. But we go to war with the crew we have... or don't have.