Why Is Video Marketing So Big?

  • 7 years ago
Whether you currently possess or plan to start, a business online or off, it would be wise to incorporate marketing video into your marketing plan.

Video marketing is taking the business world by storm and is only poised to grow.

Why Is Video Marketing So Big?

Let’s explore that.


Whatever solution you give, whichever products you sell, you simply should go where the clients are, and they are on the internet in astounding numbers. The internet has grown exponentially since it became a staple in homes in the 1990s.

It has become an important, ever-expanding market, giving brick-and-mortar stores a run for their money, if not putting them out of business, sometimes.

Think about video rental stores e.g. Blockbusters, along with book stores as well as music shops which have actually all decreased in physical numbers in the face of online competitors.

Also, whether your business is housed online or off, chances are good that you have a website. Why does that matter? Websites need traffic, period. Video traffic, it has been forecast, will comprise more than 70% of all internet traffic by the end of 2017.

Do I have your attention now? 

Video Boosts Conversions and Sales

In this technologically-driven day and age, many consumers who once only perused the local newspaper ads for product and price feedback, now look to the internet for pre-purchase information.

Prevailing research reports that at least 40% will surf the web before purchasing, both online and in-store, and that many are likely to purchase after viewing a video just once. It is that powerful.

Video marketing is so effective that it is surpassing other more traditional promotional approaches in generating both leads and sales.

Studies and research have found that video surpasses print media and direct marketing as sales tools. Video landing pages boast higher conversion rates in online advertising than traditional text only presentations such as long-form sales letters.

A clue as to how effective video is in influencing potential customers is in its widespread use. It is being utilized by everyone from Forbes 500 firms to local business, from politicians to the person next door. Video can, in turn, educate, inform, encourage reflection, resonate emotionally and even pitch, while also entertaining.
They grab and hold attention, convey a message in a short amount of time from anywhere there is an internet signal, as well as having the potential to reach across all economic, ethnic, and geographic divides.

Video brings a company, person or product into homes and awareness and increases recognition. It can be done cheaply, or even for free while offering a platform that comes closest to rivaling the exposure offered by television, which is financially inaccessible to most.

Adding much of the fuel to the growing fire that is video marketing is social media. No discussion of video marketing would be complete without mentioning it.

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, to name just a few, make it easy to share video content easily, quickly and potentially, virally, all while fostering brand loyalty and building relationships.

This can translate to many dollars in profit to a company over a customer’s lifetime.

Videos get shared more times than text and links combined on these platforms.

Video marketing is a powerful sales engine today, and a growing wave of the future, enabling a level of reach that is capable of adding many customers and dollars into your company’s coffers.

If you have a business or are contemplating starting one, a video should be an essential element of your business marketing plan.


Source of data quoted in this article: virtuets.com
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