In the world of Pokémon, a young trainer named Ash Ketchum sets out on A Great Journey. CREDITS Ash - Andrea Braketto Piacente Brock - Giuseppe .\r
Pokémon - A Great Journey (Live Action Short Film) Link: Greg & Briana White bring you their REACTION .\r
You didnt think we were serious right? To those of you who wanted a love story. this is the best i can do.\r
Celebrating 20 years of Pokemon. A fan made short film based on the origins of a Pokemon Master. -------------- Kal Ketchum, a young trainer eager to leave his .
Pokémon - A Great Journey (Live Action Short Film) Link: Greg & Briana White bring you their REACTION .\r
You didnt think we were serious right? To those of you who wanted a love story. this is the best i can do.\r
Celebrating 20 years of Pokemon. A fan made short film based on the origins of a Pokemon Master. -------------- Kal Ketchum, a young trainer eager to leave his .