Poker Tips for Beginners Covering Large and Small Poker ...

  • 16 years ago Poker blinds are forced bets that players must post to the left of the dealer button. Blinds exist to induce betting at the table. There is a small and large blind in Texas Hold Em Tournaments. The large blind is equal to what a minimum raise would be while the small blind is equal to half of the big blind. The big and small blinds are determined at the beginning of the tournament. The dealer draws for the button by dealing each player a single card face up beginning from seat 1 to the last seat at the table in a clockwise manner. The player receiving the highest card is given the button and the person sitting to the right of the button must place the small blind and the person to the right of the small blind must post the big blind. Each suit in a deck of cards in Texas Holdem has a ranking during the dealer draw for the button to avoid ties. Spades is highest rank followed by hearts, clubs and diamonds. At the conclusion of each hand the button is moved one player position to the right in a clockwise manner. (DEMO) So the person sitting to the right of the big blind will have to post the big blind in the next hand while the big blind in the previous hand must post the.....