365 Characters In 365 Days (Day 128): Robert #Mueller Smooth Prosecutor Sadé

  • 7 years ago
365 Characters In 365 Days (Day 128): Sadé singing Smooth Prosecutor, in tribute to newly appointed Special Prosecutor Robert #Mueller İ, replacing former .

This is day 84 of Mary Birdsongs 365 day challenge. to be a different person every day, for a year. On day 84 shes. This Lady.
This is day 133 of my 365 day challenge- to be a different character every day for a year. On day 133 I was: Billie Holiday #365CharactersIn365Days.
This is day 86 of Mary Birdsongs 365 day challenge. to be a different person every day, for a year. On day 86 shes. The Friend Who Likes to Test Yr .


