風をよむ 分断の時代(Era of division)

  • 7 年前
#Virginia #Charlottesville #JamesAlexFields
#Trump: "What are we teaching our children?"
#BostonFreeSpeech #BostonFreeSpeechRally #bostonrally #bostonprotest #Bostonresists #Bostondoesitright

Thousands march in Boston one week after Charlottesville violence http://p.dw.com/p/2iVn6?tw

Charlottesville: White supremacy and the White House @AJEnglish http://aje.io/ba6gu

@Schwarzenegger blasts #Trump's failure to unequivocally condemn white supremacists after violence in #Charlottesville

Is there anyone left willing to defend the president? #charlottesville #violence http://newsinn.org/d/a/6104338

Thousands hit the streets in Boston to protest against hate groups http://hill.cm/AtOb7x2

Dem lawmaker: Trump's presidency is unraveling before our eyes http://hill.cm/J7D53Le

Boston mayor thanks thousands of counter-protestors who came to "fight back on racism" http://hill.cm/NV3pO6A

Boston police commissioner: 99.9 percent of protestors came to city "for the right reason" http://hill.cm/EexwwXr

Bush ethics chief to Trump: Dump the "idiots on the far right" http://hill.cm/6jmxA4x

California Dem: Pence would be worse as president if Trump is removed from office http://hill.cm/1BdFjFM

Michael Moore: Bannon left because Trump could "defend white power all on his own" http://hill.cm/gWmgw2f

Top magazines take on Trump and hate http://money.cnn.com/2017/08/17/media/trump-time-new-yorker-economist-magazine-covers/index.html
