Joshua Sire Smith plays for Marian Catholic High School in Chicago Hieghts, IL.
Jordan Smith brings the house down with his knockout performance of Set Fire to the Rain. » Get The Voice Official App: .
What was the best performance? The Voice USA Music: Set Fire to the Rain Jordan Smith/Josh Kaufman.
Josh Pecks debut, plus a bunch of other really really silly things. God bless you all. SNAPCHAT: Twitter- .
I dont want to ruin any surprises but a butthole gets waxed (not kidding). Josh peck and Jason hang out again.. Liza thinks I surprised her with another car lol.
Jordan Smith brings the house down with his knockout performance of Set Fire to the Rain. » Get The Voice Official App: .
What was the best performance? The Voice USA Music: Set Fire to the Rain Jordan Smith/Josh Kaufman.
Josh Pecks debut, plus a bunch of other really really silly things. God bless you all. SNAPCHAT: Twitter- .
I dont want to ruin any surprises but a butthole gets waxed (not kidding). Josh peck and Jason hang out again.. Liza thinks I surprised her with another car lol.