RetroEngine Sigma running RetrOrangePi

  • 7 years ago
Just a quick demo of the RetroEngine Sigma running RetrOrangePi, rather than the supplied RES O/S. Prior to receiving mine, I read lots of angry and frustrated comments, and saw videos of people spending many hours trying to get the Sigma to do what it was supposed to do out of the box. Forgunately others had got around this by installing alternate O/S like RetrOrangePi and Lakka. I plumped for the Debian based RetrOrangePi version.
If other owners are frustrated by the software supplied on SD card, I recommend that rather than waste all those hours you take the alternate route. I simply downloaded the RetrOrangePi lite image (you need to unzip the download twice to get to the .img), flashed a spare 32gb SD card using Etcher and it was ready to go. The install when you first power on takes only a few minutes. Your first task will be to configure a joypad (use the twin analogue pad ideally). Once you have done that, go to the RetroPi menu and connect to your home wifi. Once done, your RES will be discoverable on your network PC. Navigate to the ROMS folder and dump any ROMS you may have into the correct folders. For some systems, you may need BIOS for them to run properly, but they can be found easily. There are user forums to help those frustrated by this flawed console, as well as Facebook groups. Go there for tips.