The Gaming Adventures of Edward Semrad. ( Part 2 of 3 with Ken Williams ) # 2.

  • 7 years ago
This is the Part 2 with two separated videos nicknamed # 1 and # 2, which can be found after the end of main title each. Featuring new comer EGM staff .
Continuing from Part 1 ( # 1 ) of The Gaming Adventures of Edward Semrad. This video is second part of two parts of 102 minutes long as this one is 48 mins .
The final video outing with new EGM staff Ron Marciniak, filmed by EGM staff Robert Hoskin in Ota-Ku, Tokyo-To on 27th September, 1991. Only all we can see .
EGM ( Electronic Gaming Monthly ) with Ed Semrad and Martin Alessi along with Robert Hoskin, their EGM Foreign Correspondant, who he shot almost all this .
