The Beginning of P90X Phase 2 - Day 29

  • 16 years ago - Today was day 29 of P90X, the first day of phase 2. In addition to a few changes in my diet (mainly an increase in carbs), there are also some new routines added to the mix.

I had the chest, shoulders, and triceps workout today for the first time and I loved it. I've heard some horror stories about this DVD so I was a little nervous, but it wasn't too bad.

I had Ab Ripper X after the chest, tri's and shoulders routine and it went well also.

The diet continues to go well. The phase 2 diet calls for an increase in daily carbs so I added oatmeal and an extra whole wheat bagel to the mix today.

That's it for today's update, stay tuned for tomorrow's update and stop by the blog at
