• 8 years ago
Top 25 Strongest Characters in Freezing - Chapter 209 Based on Freezing & Freezing: ZERO (MANGA) Novas arent included. Its only my opinion I dont own .\r
Toriko Top 25 Strongest Characters - Final (Chapter 396) This list is based in my opinion. I dont own the contents of the video. SONGS: 1- Toriko (Ryotaro .\r
Akame ga Kill! Top 30 Strongest Characters Up to Chapter 73 (Akame ga Kill!) & Chapter 18 (Akame Ga Kill! ZERO) This list is based in my opinion. MANGA .\r
Finally, well Bluescare45 did it, also I read the Webcomic already soo why not ? Here it is, Top 50 Strongest OPM Characters I did rank some featless characters .\r


