TOP 5 amazing facts about NEPAL

  • 7 years ago
Hi friends welcome to Backpackers channel . Today this

video is about top 5 amazing facts about Nepal . you

should know before you decide to travel to this

incredible country . please watch this video until it

ends. If you like it please subscribe to this

lets start about The top 5 amazing facts about this


No 1
The country has never been under any foreign invasion.

Nepal does not have an independent day because Nepal was

never colonized. Nepal is also the oldest country in

South Asia.

No 2 Mostly Hindu populated

Nepal used to be a Hindu nation, the only Hindu nation in

the world. still 81.3% percentage of Nepal's population

that is hindu .

No 3 Holy place for Buddhist

Nepal is the birthplace of Lord Gautam Buddha .Siddhartha

Gautam (Buddha) was born in Kapilvastu, Lumbini which

lies in Nepal. Lumbini is a holy place for Buddhists.
No 4 Kumari

The only living goddess in the world called Kumari can be

found in Nepal .

No 5 Never end peace and love ( N+E+P+A+L )

Nepal has over 80 ethnic groups and 123 Languages still

Not a single drop of blood has ever been shed in Nepal in

the name of religious and ethnic riot

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