• 8 years ago
SHEFFIELD LAKE, OHIO — A woman who rescued a 5.5 foot-long snake didn't receive a thank you, but a gnarly bite to the nose after she likely got too close.

On July 31, the 45-year-old woman was checking on two boa constrictors she had rescued a day earlier when one of them jumped from its cage, and latched onto her nose. Unable to pry the snake from her face, she called 9-1-1 to get help.

With blood splattering everywhere, the woman frantically tried to explain her frightening situation. The Chronicle has since published the distressing emergency call.

9-1-1 Call:
Woman: "Help, please! I have a boa constrictor stuck to my face!"
Dispatcher: "Ma'am, you have a what?"
Woman: "Boa constrictor! 4035 East Lake Road!"

Panicked, the woman ran out to her driveway and collapsed as emergency crews rushed to her aid.

With the boa constrictor wrapped around her neck, paramedics had no choice but to cut the snake's head off using a pocket knife.

The woman, who is known around her neighborhood for her collection of nine ball pythons, suffered non life-threatening injuries. The dead reptile was disposed of in a nearby trash bin.

According to LiveScience, boa constrictors typically coil around their prey to suffocate them to death, and their attacks don't usually result in bites.


