• 8 years ago

Willie “Flukey” Stokes was one of the most successful Black gangsters in not just Chicago history, but in American history. An iconic figure in the Windy City, he first became known to police in the late 1950’s as a drug dealer, and by the late 70’s had become a true Kingpin, dominating the South Side drug trade. Stokes’ flair for the dramatic was such that when his son “Willie the Wimp” was killed in 1984, the funeral was memorialized in song by legendary guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughn. Stokes died just as the age of crack cocaine had begun and in many ways he was the last of a dying breed. During Flukey’s era, selling drugs was a complicated game controlled by a select few, not the wild west of teenage gunslingers that characterized the crack era

Flukey Stokes Documentary| Drugs, Gangs, and Chicago Police corruption
Al Profit


