
  • 16 years ago
Allan Faqeer and Shahki, once produced a very nice song several years ago which was quite popular.

Recently the Budget of Pakistan was announced in June 2008. People of Pakistan have been quite unhappy about it. There are difficulties of rising prices, poverty, lack of certain food items, load shading of electricity and others.

There is a very nice programme on GEO TV of Pakistan, called "Ham Sub Umeed Say Hain". On 18th June 2008, a very nice parody song was presented in the programme. It is about the effects of current Budget on poor people of Pakistan (not the rich and wealthy ones, who never get affected).
The parody is really nicely done. It is funny but gives a good idea of the public reaction towards the budget and other problems.

WoW to GEO TV....

Please visit this brillient website for other nice clips:

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