• 8 years ago
by Isaac HimmelmanA Wisconsin-based vending machine company is offering to implant tiny radio-frequency chips in its employees. As controversial as that sounds, employees are allegedly lining up for the technology.Three Square Market, also called 32M, manufactures self-service “micro markets” for office break rooms. Employees who have agreed to have the rice-grain-sized RFID chip implanted between their thumb and forefinger can now use it “to make purchases in their break room micro market, open doors, login to computers, use the copy machine,” 32M said.32M says it is the first U.S. company to provide the technology to its employees, and about 50 employees are expected to take part.“Eventually, this technology will become standardized,” 32M CEO Todd Westby said, “allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.” 
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