'I had no idea that I was a Canadian' - Australian senator resigns

  • 7 years ago
She made history in Australia for becoming the first politician to breastfeed in parliament. Now, Larissa Waters has made the headlines again. She has resigned after realising she holds dual citizenship. While not illegal in Australia, it is forbidden to be a dual-national if running for federal office.

“I was born in Canada and I left at 11 months. My parents are Australian. I’ve never been back, I thought I was naturalised as an Australian. [...] I had no idea that I was a Canadian citizen.”

Waters, who was deputy leader of the Australian Greens, claims she didn’t realise she had to actively denounce her Canadian citizenship and says the law was changed a week after she was born.

She becomes the second party senator to resign in under a week. Fellow former party leader Scott Ludlam also stepped down after learning he was a New Zealand national.


