Scene Girls - Hair Styles

  • 16 years ago First off decide if you would like your hair to be long or short. Take note that most emo girls either have medium length hair or short hair above the shoulders. Next choose a new hair color; drastic change is best when it comes to emo styles so pick something that is a contrast to your current color and hairstyle. Visit your local beauty store and pick up a drastically different color. Black and blond mixed are favorites of emo girls. Pink, blue and green streaks are also effective. Either dye all your hair, add highlights, or a splotch of color to a certain section of your head or go for all three. To create a contrasting variation add color to the front of the head as this is protocol for emo and scene kids. Black hair and blond bangs or vice versa is a popular choice for emo girls. Part your hair on the side just beyond the eyebrow and swoop the bangs over one eye to create the signature emo look. The point of looking emo is to look depressed and sad so bangs add a bit of drama to an otherwise normal looking hairstyle. Layer your hair to create a real emo style; longer in the back and shorter in the front or longer in the front and short in the back are typical layering