Baby born on plane during Indonesian domestic flight to Bali

  • 7 years ago
JAKARTA — Childbirth can be a nerve-wracking experience, one we imagine would only be made more terrifying were it to happen, oh I don’t know, say, on a plane?

That’s exactly what befell one Indonesian women during a flight from Jakarta to Bali on July 8.

A heavily-pregnant 28-year-old Nurul Saimah was travelling on the Batik Air flight when she was suddenly hit with painful contractions and screamed out in pain. An alarmed flight attendant asked passengers if anyone on board was a doctor. Luckily one came forward and offered to get his hands dirty.

Meanwhile, the quick-thinking pilot contacted the control tower at Bali airport and requested an ambulance be prepared.

Cabin crew and the off-duty doctor sprang into action and delivered the baby smoothly, much to everyone’s relief.

We’re happy to hear the newborn boy weighs in at a healthy 5.3 pounds, complete with the right number of fingers and toes.

The flight touched down just after 9am local time and mother mother and child were rushed immediately to the hospital.

A company spokesperson praised the cabin crew, pilot and those on the ground for their flawless coordination, as well as the passengers who helped ensure a happy ending.

He did, however, implore pregnant passengers to truthfully report their gestational progress before flying, so that this kind of thing can be avoided.


