Multiplication Table Rhymes - Table 8 in Ultra HD (4K)

  • 7 years ago
What's up now? Multiplication Table 8! A song on that? You just can't wait! It's more than just a song... There is a story too. Something that makes table 8 a piece of cake! As you go about learning the sequence of repeated addition... 2, 16, 24, there are lines in between that you just can't miss, there is plenty more.
Eight is an even number that we often find in a certain kind of counting... In music of course! Traditionally, most kinds of music include a progressive 8-beat count. Double that, triple that, quadruple that... You get some crazy-paced songs...
What do you need to know to make this all possible? How numbers fall into this pattern of eights... That's one of the many ways you can create magic with music!
Eight has its significance in dancing too... 5,6, 7,8 and you take the cue to move or not to move... Sideways, forwards, or change the step completely. How do you measure all these beats to go with the dance? By repeatedly adding eight... It's beyond your awareness!
That's how ingrained number 8 is in our system. It really is quite an exciting number! It never fails to entertain.
Now, let's look at the story that's in between... It is a tale of friendship. What do you do when you want your friend to come to his senses and listen to what you have to say? Sometimes people are just too stubborn, there is just no other way! You have to step up and do what you need to save them from trouble. Billy, the boar in this story, is in a bubble.
Zotty, who happens to be his very close friend, decides to rescue him from the Jaws of Furry the fox. Furry seems really hungry, and quite naturally he stalks... He stalks Billy the boar! Poor guy, he's too lost to even know what's happening. He can't think past soaking in the mud and having a good bask in the sun.
What about Zotty? He is one sharp monkey. He knows that there is no point in drilling any sense into his dazed and spaced out friend. What does he do? He sticks to Billy till the very end. He waits for the moment furry makes his move. He tippy-toes slyly into the muddy pool... Billy has his back turned completely. Little does he suspect there will be a monkey with a stick in his hand.
What does Zotty do? He beats Furry black and blue... Oh boy! Look at that black eye! Wham-bam! That has got to hurt! Furry runs away-- far, far, away and out of sight. Billy steps out of his mud bath without a scratch on his body. What does this all tell you?
A friend in need is a friend indeed. No matter what a dumbo your friend might be! Always, stand by their side and watch out for their back. Friendship is valuable.
Now, go on! Play this fun-filled song on multiplication table 8.

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