Its a Joke, Son! is a 1947 American film directed by Benjamin Stoloff featuring radio comedian Kenny Delmar as Senator Beauregard Claghorn; the inspiration .\r
Its a Joke, Son! is a 1947 American film directed by Benjamin Stoloff feautring radio comedian Kenny Delmar as Senator Beauregard Claghorn; the inspiration .\r
The show is performed from New York as Kenny Delmar fills in for Don Wilson.\r
ComicWeb Old Time Radio Program: Fred Allen Show Episode: Once an Amateur Original Airdate: 10/02/1935 ComicWebs Youtube channel features old .\r
Its a Joke, Son! is a 1947 American film directed by Benjamin Stoloff feautring radio comedian Kenny Delmar as Senator Beauregard Claghorn; the inspiration .\r
The show is performed from New York as Kenny Delmar fills in for Don Wilson.\r
ComicWeb Old Time Radio Program: Fred Allen Show Episode: Once an Amateur Original Airdate: 10/02/1935 ComicWebs Youtube channel features old .\r