Congresswomen Terri Sewell Revive Section Five.

  • 7 years ago
The Revive Section Five was this is Startlingly to the people , one of the biggest threats against voting rights currently comes from the White House itself. In addition to withdrawing from longstanding legal challenges to discriminatory voter laws, the Trump Administration has created the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, which aims to investigate “improper voting registration” and “fraudulent voting.”
Crafted by President Trump, the Commission’s true aim is to verify the president’s unsubstantiated, repeated claim that between 3 and 5 million people voted illegally in the latest election and to lay the foundation for new voter restrictions that will make it harder for millions of Americans to vote. President Trump continues to propagate the misleading notion that voter fraud occurs widely, despite studies that show the rates of voter fraud are lower than the rates of winning the lottery or getting struck by the Queen of the Black Belt .
