LAM2008 Part5 RonPaul Ron Paul Addresses The Revolution USC

  • 16 years ago
2008 candidate Ron Paul speaks at University of Southern California

The Republican presidential candidate addressed a crowd of students and supporters about key campaign issues.

"Thank you for inviting me to the revolution," Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said to a crowd of supporters and curious bystanders in front of Tommy Trojan Wednesday afternoon.

The gathering, sponsored by Program Board, attracted students and adults from throughout the Los Angeles area, many of whom were roused to cheer every time the 10-term congressman from Texas heralded points on his libertarian agenda.

Nearly all Paul's policies are based in libertarianism, a political ideology based on individual rights, small government and free markets. While some issues include lower taxes, the dismantling of federal departments and an elimination of spying programs, many of his positions, such as his belief that non-violent drug offenders should be released from prison, break with those of the mainstream Republican base. His most contentious platform is his belief that the United States should immediately withdraw all troops from Iraq, a position he has held since the start of the conflict in 2003.

"He is a libertarian who has found his place in the Republican Party," said Jeffrey Hubbard, organizer of the event and a senior majoring political science and philosophy. "He is trying to bring the party back to a purer form of Republicanism."
