South Indian superstar Dhanush managed to get Bollywood star Kajol to return to Tamil films with VIP 2, after a long gap of 20 years, and that too as an antagonist. Recently Kajol, Dhanush and Suandrya launched the Music of their upcoming film Vellai Illa Pattadhari 2 (VIP 2).
Directed by Rajinikanth's daughter Soundarya, Vellai Illa Pattadhari 2 is a story of civil engineer Raghuvaran's clash with corporate businesswoman Vasundhara played by Dhanush and Kajol respectively. Watch Dhanush, Suadrya and Kajol talk about the film and their roles.
Directed by Rajinikanth's daughter Soundarya, Vellai Illa Pattadhari 2 is a story of civil engineer Raghuvaran's clash with corporate businesswoman Vasundhara played by Dhanush and Kajol respectively. Watch Dhanush, Suadrya and Kajol talk about the film and their roles.