The Republican Health Care Bill — By The Numbers

  • 7 years ago
by Jeff DonlanKentucky Senator Mitch McConnell and his Republican allies just released their secretive Obamacare repeal bill. You can read all 142 pages of the health care legislation for yourself, but in the meantime — here are some of the key figures to help understand the evolution of Trumpcare.Let’s see if you can spot the pattern…Public hearings on the bill – 0Months debating the bill – 0States that support the bill – 0Democrats expected to vote in favor – 0Federal funding for Planned Parenthood – 0The chance of Obamacare’s subsidy program surviving – 0Major differences between this and the Republican House bill – 0The Congressional Budget Office score for the House version of Obamacare repeal bill – 23 million fewer people insured by 2026
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