D.CXFILE3_17화 1부

  • 7년 전
00:03Hello. We are here to solve all problems that occur in Summoner's Rift. We are Dankun and CloudTemplar
00:14D: We're already in our 17th episode of Season 3. We've been doing this for a long time
00:21C: Yet some still do not know how to make submissions
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There's a video at our page that explains the process:undefined
All you have to do is download the replay file either from the client or a third-party database site:undefined
We looks so trustworthy with those information:undefinedD: It's still dangerous, so never send those information
01:19D: You just need to send the replay files to us, and we will have our observers take care of everything
01:35D: We will dive in to our first submission
01:43D: The first submission has a strong title to it. Let me read it out to you
01:52D: 'Bang would've done it right, you say?'
01:58Hello, judges. I was playing Lucian and had something unfortunate happen to me
02:03First situation was when our Lee Sin was caught, and I died trying to help because of enemy reinforcements
02:09While Lee Sin was the first to be caught, he blamed me, saying 'typical Golds.' I didn't say anything at first
02:18Then, a second situation arose. Tahm Kench and I killed Teemo and were left with low health
02:26But my teammates started blaming me again. I argued that it was their fault, but they blamed me for the loss
02:40Then arose the final situation. I was trying to put in damage but wasn't in the position to, so I stood back
02:49Then Darius blamed me for not putting in damage, and Lee Sin said, 'If our ADC was Bang, we would've won'
02:59How was I supposed to put in damage there? Would Bang have done the impossible?
03:05C: They're not Huni and Peanut? Why are they looking for Bang in the first place?
03:13D: And they're Gold, too. Why are they disrespecting themselves? We have a video, so we'll take a look at it
03:27D: The first situation is with Lee Sin over-committing
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He gets caught and dies:undefined
There was nothing else he could do:undefinedD: It seems like Lucian was a sacrifice for helping out
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Lucian could've ran if he wanted:undefined
Tahm Kench had nothing left to do after keeping Lee Sin alive. The bomb placement was amazing:undefined
They say Bang would've done better:undefined
It's weird that they're comparing Bang to Gold players:undefinedD: He's not Peanut. Why are they making comparisons?
05:09C: Having Dankun there would've changed everything
I didn't know you were talking about Lucian:undefined
I don't play Lucian. I tried playing it:undefined
So it was an unfortunate situation. Let's look at the second situation:undefined
This is the situation after they kill Teemo:undefinedC: Teemo's pushing, so Tahm comes in with Lucian
05:46D: Good control ward
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It makes it so tough to go through narrow space:undefined
They put in good damage:undefinedD: Tahm eats Lee Sin, and they get away
06:16C: It would've been better if Tahm had eaten Darius
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If you look at the items:undefined
This is AP Teemo:undefined
If Lucian played that wrong:undefined
Lucian does well putting out damage:undefinedC: Karthus is in a good spot. It's tough for Malzahar to avoid the damge in that situation
07:12D: Darius walks around and tries to get something
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You're talking about your Darius:undefinedC: Yeah, I do that with my Darius, too
07:45D: This is another unfortunate situation for Lucian
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Darius tries to look for something:undefinedC: But Teemo kites him away
08:09D: Malzahar comes down. He uses the ult, and the fight starts without Darius. Something happened off-screen
08:23C: Each little damage by Malzahar is huge
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Our Producer goes in-depth on previous matches and other stats that contribute to the submission:undefined
Lee Sin and Darius have been duoing together for the previous 20 matches:undefined
The flame comes when the main DPS stays alive after these teamfights. Tanks can think that:undefined
It's such an unfortunate situation for the submitter:undefinedC: Would it have changed if it was Bang? Probably
09:52D: He would've finished it from the laning phase, but it was Lee Sin and Darius who should've made the plays
10:12D: We have to give a rank. It was unfortunate
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The bank only loans to trustworthy people:undefined
It was my wife's loans:undefinedC: You have a successful wife
10:51C: So we'll provide a 'moving to new house' buff
10:57C: Silver with the buff? I was going to give Bronze. Honestly, there was nothing to take from this one
11:02D: This type of flame is normal. It's not worth submitting
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I'm sure Lucian did something wrong to get the flame:undefined
We're not saying the submitter was wrong:undefinedD: We're not, but it was nothing extraordinary
11:38C: The Producer isn't on form today
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When he uploads this video:undefinedD: Oh, this will get so many views!
