Gihren Zabi's Sieg Zeon Speech for Garba Zabi's Funeral

  • 7 years ago
A magnificent funeral service is held for Garma Zabi as he took his ship's helm and attmpted a kamikaze run into the White Base. Garma was killed in a blaze of glory. His heroic death is a shock to his family, his father, Degwin Zabi, and his brother Dozle Zabi. Gihren Zabi uses Garma's death as a powerful propaganda in his famous "Sieg Zeon" speech. This iconic speech is the most recognizable speech during the One Year War and furthered propelled the people of Zeon and Earth into despair and suffering.

Voice Actor: Andrew W.K.

We have lost a hero to our glorious and noble cause, but does this foreshadow our defeat? No. It is a new beginning. Compared to Earth Federation the military resources of Zeon is less than one thirtieth of theirs. Despite this major difference, how is it that we have been able to fight the fight for so long? It is because our goal in this war is a righteous one. It’s been over fifty years since the elite of the Federation, consumed by greed began a war against our blessed empire! Never forget the times when the Federation has trampled us! We, the blessed children of God almighty, have had a long and arduous struggle to achieve glory for our great nation. Our fight is sacred, our cause divine. The war is at a stalemate. Perhaps many of you have become complacent.

The Federation has polluted our most cherished systems for merely the sake of their own greed! We must send them a message, but not composed of words. We have wasted too much time with words. We need action now. The Earth elite must be taught a strong lesson for their evil corruption. This is only the beginning of our war. We have been putting more and more money into our efforts towards making our military stronger than ever. The Federation has done the same.

Many of your fathers and brothers have perished valiantly in the face of a contemptible enemy. We must never forget what the Federation has done to our people! These Brave men have shown us these virtues through their own valiant sacrifice. By focusing our anger and sorrow, we are finally in a position where victory is within our grasp, and once again, our most cherished nation will flourish. Victory is the greatest tribute we can pay those who sacrifice their lives for us! Rise, our people, Rise! Take your sorrow, and turn it into anger! Zeon thirsts for the strength of its people!


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