Manchester attack survivors lead dance tribute to victims

  • 7 years ago
An emotional video has emerged of two Manchester attack survivors taking part in a dance tribute to those who lost their lives.

The footage, captured in Flintshire, Wales, shows the dancers performing to Ariana Grande's 'One last time'.

Two of the dancers were at the concert in Manchester, and wanted to perform a tribute ahead of a competition which they hosted on Sunday.

Speaking to a local news organisation, proud father Allan Fisher explained how it took a lot of courage and resilience for his daughter Sienna to perform.

“What happened that night was really devastating and disturbing and Sienna was traumatised and had to have a few days off school," he told the Daily Post.

“When the dance school said they were doing a tribute performance, I wasn’t sure whether Sienna would want to do it with it being so soon, but she really wanted to and for that I am so proud of her.”